Heroic strats discussion
8 years ago

Heroic bosses are hard, and it takes a lot of time to build consistent strats for all bosses, especially those that doesn't have an obvious solution and can have different number of strats

So, let's put any strats and ideas here. We can test each other's strats and optimize it quicker, so I can finally have fun watching you guys running Heroic (and raging at it).


Grim Guzzler: http://imgur.com/U2YmAHN

Same as normal strats, but i put 2 big attackers instead of one since this guy have 45 HP instead of 30

Actually a lower chance of resetting compared to 'normal strats', since he have more minions in his deck and thus less chance of drawing guzzler spell or executes


Omnotron: http://imgur.com/FiM1CHx

Uses malygos/auctioneer/ancestral-call shaman. Basically just wait until he spawns Electron on turn 4 that lower all spells cost by 3, then dump all your spells.

Small chance of not drawing the relevant cards on time and losing.

(I havent put far sight on this deck since I havent crafted it yet, would definitely craft it if im doing a run)

Edit: Barnes will probably be useful as a 3rd Ancestral Call

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Drakkisath: http://imgur.com/3tEjLIT

Twisting Nether and DOOM! makes this fight easy, since you can always reset the board everytime he's starting to dominate.

Soggoth and Cho'Gall is probably also good in this deck but I still don't have them so I haven't tried it, although I don't need them and still never loses though.

Since he have 2x Sprint, he often reaches fatigue, which makes Coldlight Oracle really useful to deal fatigue damage on him.

Edit: I forgot to put BGH on this deck which would've been really useful, especially now that the AI prefers to go face than trade.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Omokk: http://imgur.com/a/xEhyy

Uses a token druid, since his hero power is strong against single targets but not so strong against lots of minions. Druid's hero power is also pretty good to clear out the 1-hp minions that Omokk have.

FoN/Dark Wispers/Wisps of Old Gods are really strong cards for late game. Soul of the Forest is also really useful in late game to protect your tokens.

Usually no need to put your small minions in the early turns, since it's just going to get killed, except for nerubian egg or saboteur. It's better to play multiple minions at once on turn 4-6 so your board is immediately filled with tokens and it'll be hard for him to clear it.

I'm not really sure if this deck is fully optimal, but I tried it 10-12 times and only lost once due to Mogor ruining my lethal. Most of the wins have been within turn 12, with the quickest being turn 7.

Onyxia and N'zoth is decent for late game cards, though I don't think if it's worth to replace any of the current cards for one of them. Shredder can be replaced with Twilight Summoner if you want to.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Garr: http://imgur.com/a/JXxoU

Uses Priest with the typical method of beating Garr. Use Circle of Healing or Mass Dispel to prevent the Firesworns from killing you. Use Lil Exorcist and Sea Giant for very early large creature, and some enrage minions that helps too. If you're lucky, you might also get Lightwarden + Circle of Healing combo that helps in killing it quickly. Usually wins in turn 6.


Vaelastrasz: http://imgur.com/a/cdE4w

Uses token/murloc druid. I used druid instead of shaman because innervate is completely strong in this match (naturalize is also pretty useful)

The most annoying card that he can use is arcane missile, which can kill a bunch of your 1-hp minions. So make sure to buff your minions if you already have a bunch of them.

Never lost, and most of the times the game ends in turn 5-6. (Once I reached turn 4 and 7) But playing this deck quickly is hard because of the many calculations you have to make.


After the Morgl patch, it seems the AI is changed again. Now the AI will go face more often, maybe it's the same as the pre-WoToG AI. (Loatheb's hero power bug is also fixed)

All the decks that are posted above are done before this patch, but it probably won't have significant effect since the decks aren't stall decks. It'll probably be easier for a tempo-based deck if the AI prefers to go face.

Using a stall deck will probably be harder though, since it'll be better for us if the AI didn't go face during the early turns.


Razorgore: http://imgur.com/a/zduey

Typical zoolock with some cards that counters Razorgore's egg (including board clears). Seems consistent enough.


Baron Geddon: http://imgur.com/a/fzYlL

Uses zoolock, I'm not sure if this is optimal yet and there could be lots of other alternatives but it's usually working. Still have a bit of chance of failing though since you might not always avoid his hero power if you don't have the right cards.

Forbidden Ritual and Brewmasters help a lot in avoiding the hero power. Saboteur also might help since if you use him, Geddon won't use his hero power if he have less than 5 mana at the end of his turn.

His Living Bomb seems bugged since he never used that card at all (which is the reason I tried brewmasters in the first place). If the Living Bomb works again, Power Overwhelming and Recombobulator will be really useful.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Ragnaros: http://imgur.com/a/uEXWi

Uses midrange shaman with Bloodlust as the finisher.

This deck isn't optimal yet, probably I'm gonna change the early game minions. But this boss is easy so even with this deck I can still usually win. There could also be a lot of other alternatives.

All you have to do in this boss is to control board and bring Majordomo's HP to 16 or higher, until you have the Bloodlust to deal lots of damage at once. Ragnaros have 60 total HP though so I never able to finish off Majordomo and Ragnaros in the same turn.

Edit: I changed Tunnel Trogg with Spider Tank, 3/4 minion is really useful against Majordomo's hero power

Also added Healbots for heals to prevent losses from Ragnaros's hero power

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Karazhan patch changed the AI again so it prefers to trade like before, at least the Baron Geddon bug is still in :p

Edit: After playing around with more BRM bosses, I think I might understand the AI's pattern in choosing when to aggroing or trading. (Though I'm still not fully sure if this is how it works)

If your HP is still above 20, the AI will still prefer to trade. But once it reaches 20 or below, the AI seems to prefer to hit face almost all the time, even when they can clear out a Doomsayer. Although they will still normally use their spells to kill your minions.

Edit2: After doing a bunch of BRM attempts, it seems that the threshold is 25 HP instead of 20 like I previously thought.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Nefarian: http://imgur.com/a/sCjTn

Win condition is to OTK Nefarian with Scaled Nightmare, in order to skip the Onyxia phase. (The common way of doing an OTK is to use Divine Spirit + Inner Fire combo, but I kinda doubt that can be consistent since you need to have multiple specific cards in your hand and a high HP minion on your board)

I used paladin because I feel that paladin have a lot of ways to deal with the multiple 2-hp minions summoned through the enemy's hero power.

The gameplan is to contest the board until you're comfortable enough to put the Scaled Nightmare for it to survive 4 turns to get 32 damage (or 5 turns for 64 damage if you cant get rid of his armor)

Make sure to not put the Scaled Nightmare too fast (especially if it's only turn 6-8), since putting it too quickly will make it likely for the boss to kill off your Nightmare with bursts.

I'm not sure if this list is consistent/optimal enough and I'm going to try it more later. I went 4-0 with this version even though the draw sometimes isn't so lucky.

This deck have went through quite some optimizations, here's some explanation on a few of the card choices:

  • Curator: Guaranteed to draw Scaled Nightmare
  • Lay on Hands: Heal and card draw. Healing is important because sometimes I need to use my weapons lots of time on his minions, or if things didnt go lucky and I end up getting hit in the face a lot.
  • Nerubian Egg: I'm not sure about this one, but it helps in dealing with his board clears
  • Rag Lightlord: Solid late-game card that could heal you or your Nightmare.

and here's few cards that I used to put in this deck:

  • Abomination: I hoped the Abomination bug can be used for this boss, but it just ends up worsen things up since he'll still kill the abomination and that will let him summon multiple volcanic drakes.
  • Coldlight Oracle: I thought the draw will be helpful since we depends on drawing a certain card, plus a bit of Curator synergy. But there's other things I want to put in this deck so I prefer to remove Oracle.
  • Zombie Chow: A solid early drop to deal with his Bone Constructs, but I end up feeling like I need to put more late game cards.
  • Enter the Coliseum: Might be a decent board clear if things didnt go well, but I end up preferring other cards

Edit: Tried some more and get 5-1, so a total of 9-1 so far. Quickest win is around turn 13 and slowest is around turn 20+ when there's like 5 cards left in deck.

Eadric the Pure is probably useful in this deck when things gone unlucky, but I havent tried him because I havent crafted him. I'll probably replace Explosive Sheep with him

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Maloriak: http://imgur.com/a/QNToY

Uses priest. Gameplan is to stall until his hand starts to get out of cards. Then, I can build up a huge board with N'zoth and start killing him.

If he didn't use the Abberation spell on turn 1 or 2, I usually win with a winrate of about maybe 60-70% (and some of my losses are caused by misplays).

Although if he did use Abberation spell very early, it's proabbly better to just use the Restart button. Unless you have MCT in your opening hand, and even with that I still have a good chance of losing.

Don't know if there's a better way of doing this boss, since this boss is really hard to beat in the first place. Although this deck might still be improved.

Usually I mulligan for Nerubian Egg/ MCT/ Mass Dispel/ board clears. 1-mana heal cards and Gnomergan is also useful to have early on. No need for secret-counters on opening hand since you usually have drawn one by the time you need it.

Some explanations on card choices:

  • Mass Dispel: Debuffs all enemy minions, really useful in weakening his board
  • MCT: Quite often have the opportunity to steal a minion
  • Kezan Mystic/ Eater of Secrets: I'm not sure if I need to put 2 copies of both cards, but I usually have them when I need to deal with the secrets.
  • Runic Egg: Useful for cycling, and a bit of N'zoth synergy
  • Gnomergan: Useful as a burst, once in a while could also be used as a taunt
  • Infested Tauren: Extra taunt and N'zoth synergy
  • Cyclopian Horror: Pretty useful taunt since his battlecry activated after the 'stat switch' happens, Evil Heckler is probably a good alternative
  • Power Word Glory/ Light of the Naaru: Healing and possible counter to his Counterspell. The Lightwarden from Light of Naaru is also useful for trading. Flash Heal will be a good alternative but I can't put too much of these heals in the deck.
  • SW:D: Usually to deal with Drakonid Slayer or Faceless Manipulator.

Some other cards that I've tried before and are also pretty useful but I didn't put it in this version yet, maybe I'll try them again later on:

  • Holy Nova: Only 2 damage even though his minions have at least 3 health.
  • Annoy-O-Tron: Good defense for early game.
  • Pantry Spider: The two 3/1 minions actually made a decent board presence for this boss, since most of his early minions have 3 health.
  • Wild Pyromancer: Extra board clear damage, but not sure how reliable is this card since you need to combo it.
편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Lord Nefarius: http://imgur.com/a/ElrSC

Uses stall/fatigue warrior. Gameplan is to stall until he fatigues and I've drawn the Golden Monkey to kill him even faster. Not the fastest way, but probably one of the safest ways since this boss have a really strong early game. I choose warrior because the boss will get warrior spells which usually sucks or is not annoying to deal with.

This strategy isn't really consistent yet, maybe about 50/50 chance. Because he have really strong opening turns, whether you survive or not kind of dependent on the early draws. Though I doubt the list that I'm using is optimal yet.

The dangerous parts takes place in the first several turns. Biggest issue that I usually have is by the 9/9 Drakonid Crusher, which is hard to efficiently remove because of the lack of hard removal in this deck. If I managed to survive until turns 8+ though, that usually means I'm safe and it's just a matter of waiting until fatigue or Golden Monkey.

If you want to get a faster win, you can put more late game minions, but that make it even riskier since that means less tools to stall in the early game.

I tried a bit of mill rogue/druid, but it seems unreliable since you have even less tools to stall/heal in the early game.

Haven't tried priest yet, might actually be better since the heals and board clears are usually more reliable. But the priest spells that the boss will get seems like gonna be harder to deal with, such as buffs. (Edit: Priest sucks because it end up being even more of an RNG-fest with the diversity of spells that priest have. Golden Monkey can also be thoughtstole)

Gadgetzan Update: I tried Swim With Fishes and it seems to make the deck more consistent, got only like 3 losses in about 10 tries. I also added Whirlwind in the deck for more area damage and Swim With Fishes activators. Decklist: http://imgur.com/a/AkUWr

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Rend Blackhand: http://imgur.com/a/bTw96

Uses anyfin paladin. Paladin end up being a suitable choice for this boss because of the board clears and card draws that fits this boss. Don't know if there's any other strategy that could be better for this boss, though I haven't tried a lot of different stuff.

Still not fully consistent though with bad draws, I doubt the deck composition is optimal. Maybe with 70-75% winrate, might need to test more. Pretty easy to make misplays too when playing fast and not being used in this deck. (Edit: After I've tried more attempts, I've managed to keep winning as long as I don't make any misplays. Probably only a small chance of losing which could happen if I have a bad draw)

Mulligan for the early board clear (doomsayer/sheep/consecration, and maybe Equality) because things normally won't go well without the early board clear.

Card draw is done with Solemn Vigil/Divine Favor/Coldlight Oracle. Divine Favor is awesome since the boss often use hero power only on some of his turns, which leaves his hand being filled and allows you to draw lots of card. Oracle adds more bodies from the Anyfin and provides more card draw. Solemn Vigil can be often combo'ed with board clears.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Atramedes: http://imgur.com/a/wjPfH

Uses zoo deck with some anti-weapon cards. Also added BGH in case I need to remove his 9/9 Drakonid Crusher or Onyxia.

The deck composition is probably not optimal yet and there could be lots of alternatives that I haven't tried since the boss is easy, but it seems consistent enough and I usually wins within turn 8 to 10.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Chromaggus: http://imgur.com/a/TLA4Z

Uses control priest. The gameplan is basically to stall, normally until you have to play your Deathwing to get rid of enemy's board and the affliction spells.

Deathwing is really useful in this boss as a last resort, since the opponent have no hard removal. Normally by the time I played Deathwing, the boss is already pretty close to fatigue.

Still not really consistent, maybe about 60-70% winrate because sometimes you just don't draw the board clears or heal required to survive. Though I still don't know any other improvements or alternatives for now.

Doomsayer/SW:P/Explosive Sheep are really useful against the Chromatic Dragonkin, which normally needs to be cleared out ASAP. You'll normally want to mulligan for these three cards and Lightbomb or Excavated Evil. Power Word:Glory, MCT and Deathlord is also alright to keep in the opening hand if you already have the important cards.

Previously I have tried to put 2x Flash Heal, Thalnos and Annoy-o-tron in the deck, but I switched it with Curator / Sludge Belcher / Mountain Giant, since sometimes I lost because I have no tools to survive in the late game. (I put Curator to draw Deathwing, but watch out if you have used Entomb on the enemy's dragon before you used Curator, since you might draw the Entomed minion instead)

Also, the way the boss uses Bite and Claw is kinda bugged. He somehow only ever use it when his HP is low as a heal. Even when he can have lethal by using those cards, he still never uses it, which is good for us since it increases the chance of surviving.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Dark Iron Arena: http://imgur.com/a/YOhhb

Uses control priest, basically just stall early on until I can put or steal the big minions to build up the board.

There could be a faster alternative that I haven't think of yet, and the deck itself is probably not optimal yet, but this deck have been consistently winning so far. Although the winning speed is really dependent on RNG since sometimes you can steal his big minions and make things significantly faster than usual.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

Thaurissan: http://imgur.com/a/rVwnZ

This boss isn't that hard so it should be able to be beat with a tempo-based deck. However, it seems only priest that have lots of reliable tools to deal with Moira (Silence, PW:S, PW:G and the hero power)

So, I used a mech tempo priest deck. I doubt this is the best way to do it, though I'm not sure what's the most reliable tempo/midrange priest other than dragon priest since dragon priest's key minions have taunt. (Also, Fel Reaver's animation makes things go slower, which made me unsure if I should put him or not, although he's really useful)

And there's still a bit of chance to lose if you have a bad draw and can't prevent Moira from dying to Thaurissan's Unstable Ghoul or Abomination.

Also watch out for his board clears, Dark Iron Skulker and Flamestrike. I put in Loatheb since it could prevent the Flamestrike.

Edit: Changed Mechanical Yeti to Piloted Shredder and Shrinkmeister to Shadow Word:Pain. Mechanical Yeti increases the chance of losing if the boss gets the taunt/return to hand Spare Part.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago
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