Beat Stomper Race (ONGOING)
Beat Stomper Race (ONGOING)
게시 일자 2 years ago 작성자

Whoever gets 100 first at high score no stomp no booster gets a shout out at my yt channel , naturally I am not part of the race. Edit : I decided to step up the reward for the race , whoever win I'll give them the 2 android games of their choice for free even if they're paid + shout out on my yt channel. Before participating to the race comment on this post to inform me about what game you want if I can get it for you I'll like your comment if I can't I won't. Race starts now and ends whenever someone gets 100.

Edit 2 : Due to the bounty being way too long (1 year), I sadly can't get the winner the Android games so the reward is back to what it originally was...

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Individual Level Runs • New Sub-Categories Have Been Added!!!

We have a huge announcement all the Beat Stomper Moderators would like to share!

No Boost and No Stomp have now been added to our Individual Level Runs!

Thanks to the help of our moderators ElectroWeb, Coalan, and Samylol99 we have fina

2 months ago
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