New Skip Discover ! Drop Skip Elevator Skip, And Glitch !
2 years ago

Hi Everone :) Good News !

i Found some Glitch . I will start with Glitch The not helping the Run and go on.

In game Episode 5

Video 1 So i Find Fun Out of bound in bright Fall After library in the Park. then will go on the brench and jump on the Wall That you enter in the Park follow the wall until out of bound ! That not helping the Run but just fun to know maybe some day that will be useful.

Video 2 Tree Skip is not helping the Run Because Sarah will get stuck, not moving at right moment. and not follwing you as Normal. still Fun to know Right ? To do, just jump on the Tree, at right angle

Thing Helping in the Run !!

Video 3-4. Beginning of episode 3 Randolph is Slow that why i try to make him go faster. Randolph Sliding. To perform this glitch we need to set up a trash can before Randolph coming to slide on it. Watch out !! Because Barry will ruin everthing. That why i now hate Barry ! This is hard to set up 1/8 time you will get it Save 2-3 sec if good

Video 5 In the abandoned house, End Episode 2 I will called that the Drop Skip ! This is hard. 1/25 Time you will get it. I dont know, if i got good set up on that. The ground droping so fast and when that droping you got invisible Wall too. That could save 10-16 Sec. i dont real know !

Video 6 Elevator Skip, Episode 4 Elevator Skip is easy. After tuning on the generator. I take the checkpoint to be safer. but you dont nees that to preform that glitch. If i miss i will just reload the game and try again After tuning on the generator you need to be between elevator and between the farm which has the effect of throwing you off the elevator. for that you need to be between the elevator and the farm and there is like a little invisible wall that keeps you between the 2. it's very complicated to explain but there is like a little wall that prevents you from pass in elevator. You must be lower than elevator when you see the action key click. your character will move on its own and will be ejected on its own. You just have to position yourself properly. after you go down the elevator and then you go to the key as usual. And released barry. you need to go back to the little cabin. because barry's script won't work and he won't open the door. 1/1.5 That 75% Rate of getting it. That easy just try your self ! Save 40-60 sec or more

The video Following list video 1-2-3-4-5-6

Thank You And good luck in your Run !

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
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