Potential for more skips
11 months ago

Hey everyone

I beat the game a couple days ago and looked at parts of the runs. I feel stupid for asking this because it's one of the first things you would actually do considering the tech available but here goes.

How much testing has been done for massive skips? I'm talking like multiple chapters. This game has so much revisting areas that I feel like it could be something the game has. The skips are definitely well thought out that people would have tried this stuff I guess.

I'll have timestamps from the record run to help explain some ideas. I'd appreciate if someone could tell me none of it works before I try and learn the tech and stuff myself.

About 5:27 (YouTube time) you get to the de rune farm. You do go back to the area in chapter 12 around the 59 minute mark. I take it the lab isn't out in the distance from chapter 1?

Actually thinking about chapter 1. I do notice that the run goes in the house and plays normally for awhile. Can you not make it to the area you start at 8:08 from 5:27 with a clip or is it a different map? Seems like it would save 2 minutes or so.

Round about the 41 minute mark there is a lot of time spent doing the puzzle. I take it you can't just clip into the door at the far side and make it into the castle and hit a checkpoint?

There is most of the start area (59 minute mark) is played in bounds. Can't you clip out around the 59 minute mark on the right side and make it to the area you start around 1:01:42? I guess there's no walkable collision but still wanted to ask.

At start of lab around 1:04:26 the lion blocks the way. I take it a clip past it has nothing loaded so you have to light the torches underneath?

The catherdral seems like it should have way more skipping especially for how often you go there. At 50:58 you're outside the cathedral. Is the area at 57:08 just before the cutscene plays not reachable from 50:58? The cutscene that plays shows them coming out of the door at the right hand side of the cathedral entrance. I know that's ridiculous and people probably tried it but you never know.

I take it none of the tech works in the second game? I saw there was a glitch hunting event but it seems like nobody runs it.



I'm pretty sure nobody has searched for the massive skips you're talking about (the skipping multiple chapters). But as far as my knowledge goes every chapter is a different map, so you can't do those skips.

For all the skips you mentioned I think people have tried it or even thought about it, but nobody has found a way to clip it. There might be a way to do so, but no one has found it.

And yes the glitch hunting event was an attempt to get people back to playing the game but failed.

Poitou-Charentes, France

Hi !

Yup as Humantryh said, every place you visit multiple times is duplicated for each chapter unfortunately... so at 5:27, The lab doesn't exist in Ch1, and the inside part of the Cathedral doesn't exist in the current map at 50:58 :c The only thing we can hope is that Asobo forgot to remove some triggers before duplicating a map, or left some debug things in the chapters (mistakes of this kind have been made in Requiem, so who knows !)

Chapter 1 :     This very cool strat was found right from the start of the chapter but it got patched day 1 if I remember correctly     So yeah, the second part of the chapter is on the same "map" but VERY far away. The issue at 5:27 is that we have almost no tools to clip (having hugo, torch, ability to aim, dash, ...), the best we can do rn with the strats we know is finding a very narrow space and crouching inside hoping to clip.

41min puzzle :     Unfortunately the end of this chapter is not triggered by entering a volume somewhere on the map. We actually need to move the 2 fire pits to trigger the end. It might be possible to reach the fire pits earlier but I haven't found anything better yet (might be possible tho, the current clips are not that fast and consistent).

59min :     I have some WIP stuff on this chapter and I'm pretty sure faster strats could be found here ! You can go OOB just by going through the slow wall behind you right after loading the chapter. There's also some videos that show how to navigate this OOB on the discord server, the hard part is about going back in bounds.

start of the lab :     It's quite hard to estimate, but going underneath allows us to trigger 2 dialogs at the same time that will cancel each other multiple times in the final room, saving us a bit of time. So we might not want to skip it at the moment. I haven't tried to clip through lion's head tho, so maybe it's faster in the end. But once again we don't have that much tools to clip here. I guess the best option would be to go OOB at the start of the chapter (59min part), then go back in bounds to grab the torch on the cart next to Lucas (just before the cutscene with the dead father). The torch glitch could then allow us to clip everywhere without holding Hugo's hand later in the chapter

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