NMG Minimum Sword Use
4 months ago
United States

The goal of this speed run is to use your sword as few times as possible. my current best is 14 uses: 1 to gain a medallions, 2 to unlock MM and TR with medallions, 2 dashes, and 9 swings. I also only have 4 cutscenes with the sword, excluding obtaining swords since that isn't actually "using" them.

I wanted to also add item dashing removes 2 sword uses for Book of Mudora and Desert Palace key. The problem is that when you bonk, your sword appears on screen. also, item dashing still cuts grass, a use of the sword. Yet, the only time the sword appears, it has no hitbox. would you consider item dashing with bonk a sword usage? This would also restrict players to using Japanese 1.0.

Shortly after light world, you can go to the blacksmiths to give your sword to them. This allows you to do all cutscenes without sword. You would just have to leave DP after getting hammer, cut vines in skull woods, get titans mit to access all dungeons, get medallion on death mountain, unlock TR and MM, and give away your sword. Would this long series of events be worth not using your sword in cutscenes?

For Moldorm and Ganon, You need to actually swing your sword a single time. Right before you hit the attack, start and cancel dash. On Ganon, face down so that you can light torches with fire rod. After enough damage has been dealt, use 2 silver arrows to finish the job. Silverless Ganon glitch must be used.

I would hope for someone to discover a way to breach the Master Sword Barrier without medallions or Master Sword. Are there any other ideas/ feedback you have? Is this a plausible speedrun? Btw sword uses are listed down below.

Escape: 4

Book of Mudora/ Eastern Palace: 2

Moldorm: 1

Agahnim's Tower: 2

Medallions: 3

Skull Woods: 1

Ganon: 1

United States

It sounds like a TAS or challenge run. I like some of the strats required although I don't fully understand the reason for the combination of silverless and silver strats.

United States

What do you need bombos for? Interesting challenge run, unsure if i fully understand the goal or how moldorm is meant to be fought without hammer?

United States

In Ganon’s last phase, you must deal half the damage silverless, then use two silver arrows after atacking Ganon. The logic is you don’t have enough magic to do the entire fight silverless. If you know an alternate strategy, I’m all ears. You don’t need bombos. You do need one swing for Moldorm, but you can start dashes to only need one swing.

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