Due to personal issues + recent dramas, I have to announce : I leave my "Mod" Role.
At this choice , multiples reasons : -> 1st : Personal Life. (This one is private so no more explanations)
-> 2nd : Dramas & Gameloft. This one I can go slightly on details. Since the v1.4 (on basic devices) , I have some problems directly with Gameloft because of the discovery of the Reverse Lap Glitch (and the nerfed one , the Reverse Checkpoint Glitch -- Commonly use now on People's Square Dash & Whirlwind Curve / Because Publicly shown -- ).
Gameloft at this day , decide to attack directly my content. As a result, to be safe and keep this page safe, I take the decision to private all A9 videos of my channel even if this is not from me + Remove me as Mod.
-> Dadu obtain as a result the Super Mod.