Supersonic Downhill Guide
Supersonic Downhill Guide
업데이트됨 4 months ago 작성자 L.R

Supersonic Downhill Guide - L.R

You want to get better at this event? Just follow the guide and you could be crushing your PB within only a dozen attempts.

Before I begin, I'm going to explain a trick which was found by myself a few years ago, which involves going through a brick. Basically, to perform the brick skip, you need to be going an absurd amount of speed, at least 300kmh. There is a chance that on one frame, you are behind the brick, and on the next, you're past it. The game doesn't detect any collision between you and the brick, so you get past without slowing down. This is much faster than jumping over, since jumping slows you down. The downside though is that this can also be applied to mushrooms, where you pass through them without picking them up. If you're going for a really low time, prepare to lose a lot of runs to this.

First things first: Character selection. I've experimented with most of the roster to find the most optimal characters to play with, and I've narrowed it down to three; Bowser, Sonic, and Bowser Jr. The reasons being:

• It seems to be a common theme that Bowser is usually one of, if not the best character at some events, and this one is no exception. The downside to using Bowser is the fact that he has a large hitbox, making it harder to do brick skip, and I feel he has a slightly worse jump as well, making it harder to avoid bricks.

• Being an all-around character, Bowser Jr has average stats all around. But he also has a smaller hit box, which is great for this event, because his small hitbox could theoretically make it easier to pass through the bricks.

• Sonic is the middle ground when it comes to hitbox, smaller than Bowser, larger than Bowser Jr. He is the fastest character in the game. One of the best options specifically for playing this event.

COM difficulty and weather don't matter.

Now for the main event itself. Hold right on the d-pad/circle pad the entire time, this will ensure you remain at top speed (Though you can briefly hold left to jump higher when necessary). Pick up all the mushrooms, but don't use them yet. There are two blocks, jump over both. By the time you've cleared the second block, you should have 5 mushrooms. Here's where you use all of them. There are more mushrooms on the way down, use them too. By the time you arrive at the next block, you should've used around 7 or 8 mushrooms. You can get past even if you use a mushroom at the start, but increases the likelihood of not having one when attempting the brick skip.

There are three possible outcomes at this point. Depending on if you get lucky with the frames or not, this next bit could either be the making of an incredible run or a reset.

If you hit the block, then the game detected that the blocks and your hitbox overlapped, and thus you get slowed down drastically. If you're going for a really low time (<19.X), this will probably be a reset. This is the scenario you'll see the most.

If you get through the block, but no longer have any mushrooms left, then you can follow one of two instructions. Either slow down and scale down the mountain as normal, or with the speed you have, risk a leap of faith over this entire section, where you land just after the last block. I wouldn't do the latter, as it's really difficult to time, as jumping too early will slow you down a ton and won't get you over, and too late will likely cause you to hit a block.

If you get past the block and still have at least one mushroom, then you can still do either of the previous two things, but you also are able to go for a third, even trickier option. Think fast, as there is less than half a second between getting past the first block and then a second block appearing.

With the mushroom you still have, you can try to go through a second block. If you pass through that one, there will be two more mushrooms after, one for each of the next two blocks. I have only been able to get past 3 blocks and jumping the last of the set, but I know that it is possible to go through all 4 blocks.

However way you get past here, there is a mushroom waiting for you, use it going down the big vertical slope. After this all there is left are a shield, a mushroom, and another block. Use the mushroom immediately, then jump over the final block as late as possible.

A perfect run would look something like this. (Emulated, performed using save states and slowdown, will not be uploaded to leaderboards)

You can get below 20 seconds easily with this, and could score an 18 or even 17 second time if done optimally.

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Remy agrees and you can submit an emulator run for Adventure Tours. I will split the category soon.

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