Samurai Shodown Warriors Rage, or known as, New Chapter of Samurai Spirits, Strange Tale of the Swordsman: Revival of the Blue and Red Blade, or known as, Samurai Supirittsu Shinsho - Kenkaku Ibunroku: Yomigaerishi Soukou no Yaiba, or known as, that one ps1 exclusive sam sho game.
Whatever you call this game, Many of us are just discovering it. Maybe your a master, try your hand at some speedruns, and lets learn about this rare part of Samurai Shodown / SNK history together.
Some changes to the leaderboard, suggestions always welcome, and please post any strats or info about this game. It really isn't well documented so the more to add, even a little, the better.
Added Character Variables.
Not sure if all characters added completely, wiki said 23 characters, some sites had less, might be secret ones unlockable?
Removed 1CC
Added the Difficulty Sub Category
Renamed the main category to Arcade
LEVEL 1, LEVEL 4, AND LEVEL 8 added as acceptable categories to submit to. No other variables so there is no any percent.
Theme is cool, kept it.
Added the discord, post the cool findings in there as well.