the last two general rules should be removed
3 months ago
Seoul, South Korea

"A submitted run cannot be more than 20 seconds slower than the current last-place time. as of 5/10/2024

A submitted run with more than 2 players cannot be slower than the current last-place time for a run with fewer players. as of 5/10/2024"

neither of these runs makes sense, why do you wanna limit how long a group takes to speedrun a world or even an IL

as for the second rule, why does it matter if a run with more players is longer than a run with less players, they dont directly affect each other, it just limits how much runs can actually be on the leaderboard because of the harsh requirements

i understand if these rules are in place to prevent run spamming on both fullgame and ils however, a more efficient rule to use is "runners must make an actual effort in speedrunning" which might seem redundant but is easier to reinforce as a rule rather than "runs must be faster than last place" when last place can be merely seconds off of 1st place or even be improved to be extremely close to other times, preventing other times from being even submitted without breaking this rule or being grandfathered

plus i personally feel like this will demotivate some ppl to NOT run if the requirements prevent their runs from being on the boards just from being slower, sure it might be a skill issue but at the end of the day, speedrunning is a hobby that everyone should be able to enjoy

please do tell me if i missed the point of the rules or something as these rules are confusing to understand

Oh_my_gourdness, PN23 그리고 12 기타 이것을 좋아함
He/Him, They/Them
3 months ago

watch the mods blindly delete this within 2 minutes lmao

Oh_my_gourdness, whoopsy 그리고 7 기타 이것을 좋아함
United States

If they do, their in for a riot /j

whoopsy, Xyne 그리고 4 기타 이것을 좋아함
He/Him, They/Them
3 months ago

a riot and/or a silly lil replacement :3

whoopsy, Xyne 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
United States

We hope

whoopsy, Xyne 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
Mato Grosso, Brazil

I agree this

whoopsy, Zangoose, 그리고 Xyne 이것을 좋아함

Yeah weird rules lol

whoopsy, Zangoose, 그리고 KeiKayGaming 이것을 좋아함
Any/All, He/Him
3 months ago


whoopsy, Zangoose, 그리고 KeiKayGaming 이것을 좋아함
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