Regarding again about that one rule
Regarding again about that one rule
게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

After further consideration and a good point brought up, I'm keeping that one rule up. People complaining AGAIN that its a dumb rule should realise that im trying not to accept cheated runs (which no one wants cheated runs to be accepted)

Edit: Cutted out a part since its harsh to the people from my side

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Little update
  1. You no longer need to use Nohboard or have your mic on in the runs. If I have rejected your runs because of that rule, please DM me on discord or here on src and I'll fix that.

  2. I've recently (aka for more then a couple months) been wanting to not moderate this game, if you wish to be a modera

2 months ago
최근 쓰레드
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