게시 일자 4 days ago 작성자

Following the recent DSS changes, a minor edit has been made to the new DSS submission rules;

You may submit a run with DSS on your planet if it is inactive (show on video), or if all POVs are shown, and no stratagems or other benefits provided by the DSS are used.

Hopes this clears things up! Happy Diving!

게시 일자 13 days ago 작성자

Happy 1 year anniversary for Helldivers speedrunning! Here are all the updates:

Free Stratagems and DSS Support banned in all Categories

Since the community decided to ban these instead of adding the DSS as an annotation, we will be adding this to the game rules:

Use of the DSS and free stratagems is banned. You can still submit a run with a free stratagem as long as no runner uses it. You can still submit a run done on a planet with the DSS, as long as no action is active

Increased Standards of Proof across the Leaderboards

A lot of categories have gotten quite a bit more competitive in the last few months. This is a good thing and a direct result of how much growth we've had as a community! However with increased competition comes increased standards of proof by necessity of deterring foul play. As a result of this and the outcome of the recent poll we will be adding several new requirements:

  • In game audio must be recorded and set to an audible level, in game music and voice chat is optional

  • Mission timer must be set to always visible. To do so, go to options > HUD > Mission info visibility and set it to visible. Note that this is not the default setting

  • The loadout and stratagem screen must be shown before the run starts and all POV’s must be submitted if a free stratagem is active

While we will not be requiring all POVs to be present at this time, we would like to reiterate the following rule added recently:

  • Verifiers may ask for additional POVs before verifying in certain circumstances (competitive times in competitive categories, Illuminate missions, abnormalities etc.)

New Rule added to the Discord

  1. Given that we are officially associated with speedrun.com, you must also follow the speedrun.com code of conduct in this discord.

New Poll in the Discord

With the majority of people voting to ban the DSS/Free Stratagems in Helldivers speedruns, we will need to address how to handle old runs which used them.

First, for context: no runners or any members of the mod team have identified any unbeatable runs using the DSS or Free Stratagems.

The first choice is to simply leave them up and only ban future runs which feature them. This is the most simple solution.

The second is to go through and reject them based on the new rule change. This is more complicated and would result in a lot of rejection from before the rule change was made, but it's an option in case the community feels it is warranted.



게시 일자 20 days ago 작성자

Now that the DSS has come back online we will have to make a decision as a community with regards to how to handle it for the leaderboards.

Summary of what it does:

When hovering over a planet and once sufficient resources have been donated on a cooldown, it will provide various in mission bonuses. This may include:

  • Free 380 barrage (heavy ordnance distribution)
  • Free Hellpod Space Optimization booster (Orbital Blockade)
  • Eagle Strafing Runs which spawn in a similar manner as weather effects (Eagle Storm)

It essentially acts very similar to free stratagems in that it is a bonus which is gated behind real time, temporary events.

Summary of discussion on the matter in ⁠changes-and-suggestions:

Runners expressed concerns over the fact that the DSS and free stratagems could give players an unfair advantage since these events are time limited with no guarantee they will ever come up again. Nobody was able to identify a run that was unbeatable due to the DSS/Free Stratagems however most acknowledged that it would be possible to get an unbeatable WR with them, especially for solo.

Summary of the poll itself

We will be voting on whether to track DSS usage in speedruns via an annotation (similar to the existing system used for free stratagems) or whether to ban the usage of both outright. If we do decide to ban them, we will have to do another poll regarding what to do with the old runs which used free stratagems (either grandfather them in, or reject them for the new rule violation). As always, if you have any thoughts, or issues with the constraints of the poll please bring it up in ⁠changes-and-suggestions. Your opinion is valued Helldiver!

게시 일자 26 days ago 작성자

Freedom's Greetings Speedrunners,

New updates and changes made to the mod team!

FAS_JaesaWilde has been promoted to moderator to assist with making changes to the leaderboards in addition to verification. She has been a great asset for a little over a month now since she joined and the promotion is well deserved.

Cat_God_Rose has been added as a verifier after volunteering to help with the mod team and we look forward to working with her in the future

Ownership Transfer of the Community Discord

IEATZOMB13Z transferred ownership of the discord over to me in order to help the mod team better manage things with the server. He has been a real help sticking around and pitching in (despite his other commitments running the Payday 2 boards), and he will continue to be around to help out as needed

Old Eradicate Runs Restored to No Longer Possible

It was recently discovered that old Eradicate speedruns were banished to the shadow realm following the patch which made Eradicates harder and changed them from a number to a percentage. These runs have now been restored to No Longer Possible and will once again be available for viewing! They will not affect the placement of the main board but have been restored to preserve the run history. If anyone wants to see some sub 2 minute lvl 9 Eradicate runs from before the patch, well now you can ^_^

게시 일자 2 months ago 작성자

To limit toxicity in the community and encourage friendly competition, new guideline added against saving up runs to post all at once for dramatic effect. Doing lots of runs in one day and posting all at once is still allowed, but hoarding runs is not.

We understand that some of you may have runs you already saved up and ask that you simply post them as soon possible, preferably within the week. We hope that this will help maintain a good environment moving forward for the health of the community.

--- The mod team

게시 일자 2 months ago 작성자

The Decluttering Shenanigans Has Concluded and the Helldivers Community Speedrunning Discord has come to a consensus.

To Summarize;

  • Missions have has their Difficulty options reduced to their highest and lowest possible difficulty.

(with exceptions where deemed necessary)

  • Missions that had Difficulty 9 as an option have NOT had it removed.

  • All runs previously submitted to these removed Difficulties will merged with the next lowest Difficulty currently available

May Democracy Guide Us All

Happy Hell Diving and Merry Christmas to all!!

  • The Mod Team
게시 일자 2 months ago 작성자

Freedom Fights, Good Morning,

The Helldivers Speedrun Community Discord has finally concluded voting to introduce the new Stratagem Hero Category as proposed by the hard efforts of BlueSnowSquid (BlueSpaceSquid on SRC). This Category is divided into 2 Subcategories; 25 Rounds, and 50 Rounds. The goal, as always, is to complete it as fast as possible!

The Community gives its huge gratitude to BlueSnowSquid and LilGMan for their efforts to make this possible. BlueSnowSquid has also been introduced as a verifier to help with the verification of Stratagem Hero Submissions.

Happy running Divers!

게시 일자 2 months ago 작성자

We are having a poll on trimming down the difficulty's on the board, you can vote over in discord: https://discord.com/channels/1210341509241643118/1234843598865043486/1317248174867484754

게시 일자 3 months ago 작성자

Freedom's greetings,

Given the results of the poll over on the Helldivers Speedrun Community discord a new rule has been added to all categories banning mods which change aiming sights or reticles. This includes both third and first person mods.

The issue was rather controversial and the poll was close but everyone did a great job keeping the discussion civil. Managed democracy of speedrun.com is our way of life.

Hell Commander Canis, Over and out


게시 일자 4 months ago 작성자

Liberation% is a category where you complete 1 operation (3 missions) from start to finish in 1 sitting and Conquest% is where you complete 3 operations (9 missions), 1 with a bug specific mission, 1 with a bot specific mission and 1 with a mission that exists on both bots and bugs in 1 sitting.

This category was pioneered by Ares540 and thanks to the other members of the community and moderation team that helped refine what these category's would be and deciding the rules and such for them!

Happy diving everyone!

게시 일자 6 months ago 작성자

Hi Divers, due to the popularity of high diff deathless running we have no got a category extensions page specifically dedicated to it! We brought canis_xo and clark1004 on to moderate this page as they are very invested in deathless high diff speedruns. Happy diving!


게시 일자 7 months ago 작성자

It is time to say goodbye.

Some of you may have seen I have been inactive for about a month now. For those in the discord server, this will not come as a surprise. On there, i have talked about how, for quite a while now, I've been the only active mod verifying runs and maintaining the boards, which has become a drain that impacted my ability to perform my responsibilities in real life and other obligations I had. It is for this reason that I searched for successors on here, to facilitate runs of this game we all love. In the - essentially all new - mod team I am happy to have found worthy successors who have established themselves as trusted memebers of the community with minimal incidents. I'm gratified to note the transition of power away from me has been going extremely smoothly. As of last morning, I have given over ownership of the discord server to dualshock100 and Supermod status on here to dualshock100 and IEATZOMB13Z.

I will be staying both in the discord server and on SRCOM as a supermod for only the most exceptional of circumstances - clearing up any confusion about the board setup mostly, if anything needs updating.

I thank you all for being patient with me through this last spring of me essentially modding the board on my own for quite a bit, and for being gracious through any disagreements we might have had over this time. While we did occasionally butt heads in this community and spoke in unmeasured ways occasionally, the discussions overall have been more civil than I, at times, deserved. For my successors, I recommend you view speedrun.com as a place for a community to use - a community that would form regardless. You're not here to steer, you're here to serve, to facilitate. I'm sure you'll do great.

For anyone interested in keeping up with what I'm doing, I run a small youtube channel I occasionally update under the name of Seetor.

For everyone else; see you all on the drop. Happy Helldiving.

게시 일자 9 months ago 작성자

Greetings Helldivers!

Once again after a poll and discussion on the community discord - which everyone is invited and encouraged to join! - we have updated the difficulty variable to reflect what missions are available on which difficulties. To explain what this means, some mission types are not available in some difficulties, for instance Launch ICBM is not available in 1 | TRIVIAL. This meant that those slots on the boards would forever be destined to be empty. There is an image attached to illustrate. None of those slots would ever be filled.

Now, each mission only has those difficulties that are relevant to it. This means the levels board no longer differentiates between difficulties by level, but irrelevant difficulties no longer appear on the regular leaderboards.

Furthermore, we have decided to merge the amount of difficulties we support down. Earlier, we supported all difficulties 1-9. Because there isn't that much difference between a difficulty 1 or 2 mission for speedrun purposes, and keeping in mind that we want every level represented by at least one available difficulty, we have decided to slim the board down to only the even difficulties - 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.

There is currently a poll ongoing on the discord about the fate of old runs that are now without a difficulty to support them. Will we leave them orphaned, or merge them together such that difficulty 4 runs will be allowed to join the difficulty 3 board? Vote now to make your voice heard!

Happy Helldiving!

게시 일자 9 months ago 작성자

Greetings, Helldivers!

In accordance with a poll conducted of the community over in the discord, we are now separating runs by player count. Concretely this means 2 new settings for every run - Solo or Multiplayer. This decision was made to respect the achievements of runners who complete their level runs by themselves, where it can be hard to compete with the times bigger parties can get.

We will make sure to migrate the old runs onto the new board over the next couple of days.

I would also like to remind you to join our discord to participate in these polls as they happen.

게시 일자 9 months ago 작성자

Greetings, Helldivers!

I'm writing you here to announce, for the benefit of anyone who isn't in the server, that a lot of the changes that have come and will come to these boards were - and will be - decided by discussion and votes happening on the discord server. Please consider dropping by and making your voice heard.

게시 일자 10 months ago 작성자

Hello Helldivers!

We have been thinking for quite a while about a way to make the boards work better for people who don't want to only submit runs that involve the entire squad offing themselves after mission completion and are excited to announce it is finally here!

Extract% works like Any%, except you have to extract your whole squad in the end.

After consulting the community in a poll on the discord, have also made 100% - a run where in addition to finishing the main mission and extracting all helldivers, you also have to complete all side objectives and clear all bases on the map.

We hope these new categories invigorate everyone's interest in speedrunning. If you have any ideas for further categories, please reach out to the mod team to let us know, and consider dropping in on the discord to join the discussion and any future polls there.

Happy Helldiving! For managed democracy!

게시 일자 10 months ago 작성자

Except for Tutorial because it doesn't have one.

This board is short on volunteers at the moment - if this remains to be the case, I will begin rejecting runs that are incorrectly timed. I have been manually editing and correcting the times, which isn't a problem if I'm only verifying a few runs a day, but typically I am met with dozens of runs upon logging in.

Please consider volunteering to be a Verifier. If interested, send me a message.

게시 일자 11 months ago 작성자

As you already know, the old leaderboards were somewhat confusing, and the moderation team added me to help them create the new tables, and they're ready now.

Now, in the "Full Game" table, only the two runs of the Tutorial will be included, and in the leaderboards of the individual levels, all other speedruns will be listed, with the difficulty variables as in the old tables.

For missions that can be done against both Terminids and Automatons, instead of using different tables, [T] [A], a single table will be used where there will be an additional variable indicating the faction being fought against, apart from the difficulty. You can see how it looks now in the image below.

게시 일자 11 months ago 작성자


Display of categories and runs is changing soon.

Right now, the sub sorts runs by categories. As many of you might have noticed it's pretty annoying to move around between categories.

This is why we decided to change the sub settings from "Full game leaderboard" to "Level summary".

Unfortunately, to change this setting, new categories have to be created. This means that all the now old runs will stay there.

We hope you will not miss all your runs after this change and we are sure this will let some more to come.

Have a great day. Fight for democracy!

게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

As per two announcements ago we said to include the loadout screen prior to mission launch in your speed run videos.

As of the posting of this news item WE WILL START REJECTING RUNS THAT DO NOT INCLUDE THIS.

To avoid unnecessary hassle, please include the loadout selection in your submissions in addition to the XP screen after the mission.

Thank you for understanding!

게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

- All missing difficulties have been added.

- Two new categories centering around Sample Extraction have been added.

Thanks for your patience gamers! o7

Default difficulties will be updated as runs populate categories. Superfluous difficulties will be removed as they are discovered.

게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

Please include loadouts prior to launching mission in your run submissions

게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

Please start using the In-Game Timer for run submissions going forward!

For ALL categories/missions that are NOT tutorial -

There are a few seconds at the beginning of missions where you technically have zero control that are wasted, but the ability to steer the Hellpod and affect progress on objectives necessitates switching to IGT.

As always, please share ideas & feedback for the boards if you have any; you can DM me as well! Thanks for putting up with the solo mod team atm everyone. o7

uhhh dat's da news folks!

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Minor DSS Changes.

Following the recent DSS changes, a minor edit has been made to the new DSS submission rules;

You may submit a run with DSS on your planet if it is inactive (show on video), or if all POVs are shown, and no stratagems or other benefits provided by the DSS are used.


4 days ago
최근 쓰레드
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