Infinite spell glitch - video included
25 days ago

Hello, as of this day (26/08/2024) the current version of the game has a MASSIVE bug that breaks the game completely open, and its very easy to perform. Posting it here for posteriority, to my knowledge, this video is the first recorded instance of it:

In written form you need: 1- Equip Cloud Step and Pluck of Many 2- Have at least 22 sparks, then learn "Versatility" (left colum, bottom of staff stances tree), and "Sweeping Gale" (Pillar stance, first power on the right) 3- Activate Pillar stance 4- Use light attack, heavy attack, then spam Cloud Step while Wukong exists the sweeping gale. 5- You now have infinite mana, and zero cooldown on spells. Using the transformation will break the glitch though, you'll have to do steps 3&4 again. Be careful with your framerate, the clones really make it laggy

AlexzoTV 이것을 좋아함
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Very neat. Will probably get patched :(


Yea, but competition on 1.0 is always possible if it turns out to be the best version :p


As of the patch yesterday this has been fixed

linlinseven 이것을 좋아함

Other small things of note this glitch does:

  • Massively increases the responsiveness of the roll (it can now cut almost all animations, instead of having to wait for them)
  • Allows to spam dodges continually even with the stamina depleted

I regret patching on ps5 for sure