Gadgets in 4m 21s by
Starting Frame: 18.133333333333333
Ending Frame: 279.6666666666667
FPS: 30
Total Time: 0h 4m 21s 533ms
Timed using YouTube Frame Timer:
Better fights and pathing.
At 1:54 I lose time to this enemy. Probably the most annoying enemy in the game.
At 2:44 I was testing a theory here that making these instantly blow up would spawn the next. This was false it's on a timer.
At 3:00 the door opens when all of these are destroyed it's not on a timer so making sure the last one blows up immediately actually does save time.
At 3:51 I lose time to this guy. Not a fan of these enemies.
Recent runs
Level: 10-2 Message from the Past
Level: 7-3 Taking the Bait
Level: 1-1 His Greatest Creation