The new leaderboard category All Journal Entries for this game has the following line in the category rules:
The journal entries "Mystical Treasure" and "Go to tram station" are not required.
Considering the purpose of the category is to complete all the in-game achievements / journal entries, it's not immediately obvious why it would exclude these journal entries. The purpose of this forum post is to provide a comprehensive explanation for why the category is setup this way.
Short Answer: The journal entries "Mystical Treasure" and "Go to tram station" are affected by game bugs that would make their inclusion in the category problematic.
To explain the issues with these journal entries, I need to break down each entry separately.
~ Go to tram station ~
This is the comparatively easier journal entry to explain. When the trigger for this journal entry works, it's triggered by walking in front of the tram in Coastal Plain (around where Miss Tricket is). The problem is that this entry doesn't always trigger when it is supposed to. Specifically, whether the trigger for this journal entry works depends on which option is selected on the main menu. If the player selects "Start Journey" to start a new game, the trigger for the journal entry won't work, but if the player selects "Continue" to load a save, then the trigger will work. This means that completing this journal entry requires quitting the game and relaunching it at some point in the run.
This all means that the journal entry is technically completable if the runner quits the game and restarts it at some point during the run, but it was still decided not to require it. An important factor in this decision was considering how exactly the run would change if it was required. Notably, the journal entry "Take the tram" effectively assumes the completion of "Go to tram station", as the former requires talking to Miss Tricket inside the trigger for the latter. With that in mind, the only change that requiring "Go to tram station" would make to the route is to require the runner to relaunch the game. In the interest of making the category simpler to run, it was decided not to require the journal entry.
~ Mystical Treasure ~
This journal entry is more complicated to explain because its behavior changed with a game update on November 17, 2022. In the current game patch, this journal entry is simply incompletable. There are multiple threads (in both english and chinese) on the game's Steam discussion board asking about the bug, so it's seems to be a common problem with the game. Prior to that update, the journal entry was actually completable. There is a trigger area inside the vault (not present in the latest patch) that causes the backpack to say "Nyan! It's a battery!" and triggers the completion of the journal entry. This dialog trigger spans the space between the 9-balloon and 12-balloon door, so approaching either battery in the vault is sufficient to trigger the journal entry in these game versions.
Originally, the options being considered were to either create a (sub)category split depending on the game version (requiring the journal entry for game versions where it's collectable) or define the category to require opening the 9-balloon door to create a degree of requirement parity between game versions. However, it was discovered that, for the game versions where the journal entry is completable, it's possible to get the entry by simply standing in front of the 12-balloon door without having to open it (YouTube video). With this in mind, it became clear that the only difference between a run requiring the journal entry (in game versions where it's completable) and not requiring it is a small diversion taking just few second, which isn't worth creating a (sub)category split over. Similarly, the removal of the dialog trigger in the latest patch means there's no similar event to check for on the latest patch, preventing a simple category rule to create run parity that way. As such, it was decided to simply ignore this journal entry entirely, as excluding it doesn't significantly impact the category.
The only other consideration for this journal entry is considering what the developer's intention was for the journal entry. While I'm not aware of any statements by the developers on the topic, we can make an educated guess based on the information we have. The journal entry's description when not completed references collecting all 12 balloons, the journal entry's description when completed mentions collecting a "beret", and the patch notes for the Nov 17 update says "Red Beret greatly enhanced". The only changes related to hats in the Nov 17 update (that I'm aware of) is the addition of the triple-balloon hat behind the 12-balloon door. With all this in mind, I believe that the "beret" referenced in the journal entry's description is supposed to refer to the triple-balloon hat, and the journal entry is supposed to be triggered by collecting that hat. This makes since, as the same update that added the hat also broke the journal entry, suggesting they attempted to switch the trigger to the hat and messed up. This means that an alternate category ruling could be to require collecting the triple-balloon hat to match the developer intent for the journal entry. However, the rest of the run takes the journal entries as they're implemented, not as they're intended (eg. the sequence break for the "Master Twig" journal entry), so it doesn't make as much sense to handle this journal entry this way. Collecting the triple-hat balloon would be required by a 100% category (along side collecting all the batteries and shells and/or shop items), and a subcategory for All Journal Entries could be created requiring the collection of the triple-balloon hat if there's interest from runners. However, until someone does the work to define, route, and run these categories, there's no need to create the category leaderboards for these.
~ ~ ~
That's the breakdown of why these two journal entries are excluded from the All Journal Entries category. If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask me. Otherwise, good luck running the new category.