More questions about 100%.
3 years ago
Arkansas, USA

So first of all, I don’t think a lot of my questions were answered in my first post, and I’m still not entirely sure about what counts as a 100% run of this game, but I had one other question as well: Do Emblems/Blazons count towards 100%? If so, then I’ll need to focus on grabbing those during missions and backtracking, same with the Chests.


As there is no official % counter within the game we decided that the categories for the game would be the following:

Any% - beat game as fast as possible All missions - Beat every mission Full missions / Sora - Unlock Sora by completing every mission with 100% RTC gauge True 100% - Clear every mission with full RTC, Collect every chest, collect every emblem, beat every challenge, complete journal.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
RapidRecharge likes this
Arkansas, USA

Every Challenge, huh? Yikes, that may as well double the length of the speedrun... Well, hopefully I can at least do Sora% before the summer ends, but my suddenly jam-packed schedule nowadays might not allow me to do so. I’ll try to do what I can though, since I really want to do more runs in this game. Thanks for letting me know, Drazerk. One more question though: Would I be allowed to use the Zero Gear for the Challenge Missions? Those Challenges are mostly harder than the missions in the base game, and the Zero Gear would give me a better chance, plus I’d have to beat the game anyways to get the Emblems for the last 2 missions, but for some reason I worry that continuing the run after the credits scene is cheating somehow, I don’t know why.


You have to continue after credits to complete all challenges and obtain all chests so anything obtained post Riku is fine.

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Emulator Runs switching to Loadless

Hello everyone

ColeQuil has been working flat out over the last few months to perfect the Load Remover & Auto Splitter to the point where we feel comfortable it is ready to be used as our main timing method for Emulator runs.

Please checkover the Game Rules as we have updated some requirement

1 year ago
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