Breaks Break 1: 3:13:43 - 3:40:48 (27 minutes 5 seconds) Break 2: 8:03:15 - 8:19:31 (16 minutes 16 seconds)
Note about the video: at 2:11:12 I accidentally went into single player for a little but switched back to 2 player right after, and at 6:00:47 the recording cut out for a few seconds but when it came back we were in the same spot and the audio didn't cut out. I hope neither of these will invalidate the run but I thought I'd point them out just in case they do.
(Mod note: retimed)

So, uh, this was something I meant to post after it was made official and forgot to do in a timely manner. Sorry for that. Anyways, this is something that's already been in effect for just over a week, but in the event it hasn't been seen: The topic came back up and we've decided to allow for USB ke