Split Timer Mutator
3 years ago

Hello everyone, I recently started trying to speedrun Killing Floor with a friend. We had to play the same map over and over again and after a while I decided to make a timer so that it would be easier to decide to abandon the game or keep playing.

This mutator I made can be used offline and on listen or dedicated servers. It adds the total time to the right of the screen and colors it red if it's worse than your personal best. Every wave is considered a split and at the end of the wave the difference between the time of the split and the personal best of the split is displayed. It works with the SkipTrader mutator.

This mutator does not change how the game works and the time displayed is exactly the same present in the ScoreBoard, I would like to know if it could be used during runs. I can provide the source code if that's needed for verification.

The timer however stops slightly before "Your squad survived", I would therefore not use it to determine the time of the run. I could make it stop exactly when "Your squad survived" appears, but in that case it would be impossible to show the split difference of the Patriarch wave, moreover it would not stop in dedicated servers, just like the scoreboard timer doesn't stop.

You can see how it works in this video, where we were playing on a dedicated server:

You can download the mutator here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/giyycv8twnpkrjg/SplitTimer.zip/file To install it extract all the files in your KillingFloor/System/ folder and edit the file SplitTimer.ini to insert your Personal Best times. You must insert the time you took to complete the wave in seconds.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

I like the idea, can I please, just to be sure, see the source code? You can dm me :)


Sure, I'll send it to you, but I have to wait 7 days to send private messages... Could you send me a dm with your email or some way to contact you?


Pubblished the code here instead, I figured this way its easier and anyone can read it... https://github.com/davidoskky/SplitTimer

Dugnom likes this

Since two runs with this mutator have been approved (one of which is a WR), I believe this is now good to use for any run.

A new version of the mutator is now available. The mutator will now automatically update the best times in the ini file if you get a better time. This can be disabled changing the value of bUpdateConfig to False in the SplitTimer.ini file.

The inner working of the mutator doesn't change, it's just a quality of life improvement in order to avoid changing the ini file all the time...

You can get this new version and its source code here: https://github.com/davidoskky/SplitTimer/releases/tag/2

Mastrocoltello likes this

Yea I had no issues with the mutator. I should have stated something here.


A newer version of the mutator is out. Now it has a graphic that's a little bit better than before. You don't need to manually edit the ini file anymore as you can configure the times in game opening the ESC menu.

You can install it from the workshop! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2765060989

For dedicated servers you can download it here: https://github.com/davidoskky/SplitTimer/releases

I do have a dedicated server running with this mutator, if you wish to use it in multiplayer but you don't have your own dedicated server you're welcome to contact me.

Game stats
Recent runs
Level: Toy Master, Normal, Short
Level: Winter, 2013, Normal, Short
Level: Twisted Christmas, Normal, Short