10 years ago

I am currently looking for different routs for this game that will help you finish quicker, if you have any tips and or need any feel free to post here!

Texas, USA

Hiya, I'm going to be routing this game soon and will start running it. I look forward to routing! (:

Texas, USA

Gotten done with a little bit of any% routing. So far, having difficulty on some routing with getting enough chaos points to unlock Mission 3 (The White Tiger). Will continue routing throughout the week and hopefully finish a run in the next few months!


We have been working on this for a few weeks now at SRL. Currently doing Mission% as Any% seems to be minimal missions, just blowing stuff up for 3-4 hours.

I have used a algorithm to calculate a very optimal route. I reckon we can get sub 5 for Mission%. You cab find the route and other useful info here:


Sounds great, I've been busy over the past few months so haven't had time to properly get a run in, I've been putting in some practice when I've had the chance.

Minnesota, USA

Hey my run keeps getting put into any%, if you could switch it to all missions that would be appreciated :)

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