Category Suggestions Thread
3 years ago
Super moderatorFireball
They/Them, It/Its
3 years ago

Post suggestions for new categories in reply to this thread.

She/Her, It/Its
2 years ago

really dumb idea for a misc category lol pacifist, sorted in reverse order so the longer you go without hurting any scientists the higher your rank of course unavoidable stuff like them running into lasers and stuff on their own wouldnt count

MyNameIsNotNo likes this
Super moderatorFireball
They/Them, It/Its
2 years ago

Technically this would just be survival without vehicles, since you can avoid hurting scientists by just equipping another jetpack like the bubble one, which doesn't harm scientists

She/Her, It/Its
2 years ago

ah, didnt know some jetpacks dont hurt scientists fair enough then

Tecojogador likes this
United States

10k coins i made a post about this bc I didn’t see this thread lol

Super moderatorFireball
They/Them, It/Its
2 years ago

I had this conversation with Metra a while back, I'm not entirely sure if 10k coins would really be any different other than it being similar to lvl 4 cash dash runs of 5k coins, where you get 2-3 cash dashes. However, I can add it if there's a want for it (which there clearly is since this isn't the first time this was asked). Feel free to do a run and submit it, and I'll create the category.


Tecojogador likes this

a little late but a category of geting sam as fast as posible

Tecojogador likes this

They should have a quickest death run.

Tecojogador likes this
Super moderatorFireball
They/Them, It/Its
1 year ago

I will probably add a No Coins category in the near future. I was given the go ahead a while ago by an Elo Staff Member that I'm allowed to create it, I just haven't implemented it yet.

Getting S.A.M. as fast as possible would be cool if it wasn't for the fact that it's only once per day. Won't be adding it for this fact.

Quickest Death would just be boring as it most likely has an easy WR cap assuming you reset enough. I will potentially add it though, as it wouldn't require too much extra effort in comparison to other categories.

Tecojogador likes this
SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil

Category of getting as far as possible, the distance would be converted into time, example: 2698 meters = 2s 698 ms. Other runner games (for example hill climb racing and crossy road) fall into this category and it would make sense to have it here as well.

Sorry for bad english, google translate.

Super moderatorFireball
They/Them, It/Its
1 year ago

Personally I would rather avoid creating actual high score categories such as that, as high score based submissions are listed in game request rules as not allowed (regarding new games, not new categories). I am generally open to survival based categories though (see Subway Surfers), as previously stated I've been given the go ahead on those. These would then be time-based, not score-based.

Tecojogador likes this
Super moderatorFireball
They/Them, It/Its
1 year ago

Follow-up to a previous post: I've now added No Coins and (quickest) Death to the boards.

Tecojogador likes this
SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil

How about a category about spending the most time in vehicles?

United States

DJ Barry Speedrun:

Timer starts after creating a new account with no microtransactions or coins.

Player must collect enough coins to purchase the DJ barry item throughout as many runs needed.

Timer ends after purchasing DJ Barry.

SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil

Germaphobe category:

The player must not collect any coins, tokens, SAM, vehicles and not touch the ground, roof, scientist and hay ball.

The player must use the Air Barry's gadget (to leave the ground as soon as he picks up the Jetpack and to prove that he has not touched the ground at any time) and have the mission "rub your head against the roof for 'an amount of meters that is counted to the rub' " to prove it didn't touch the roof.

Time starts when you tap/press start on the main menu and ends when you die or collect/touch anything.

Like this:


JJ Test labs and JJ Classic speedrun categories?


what about adding web as a platform?


U can add a category for obtaining an item like the dragon robot the lil stomper purple teleport machine and all the other stuff. like subway surfers do


Reaching mission level 15 as fast as possible (seems like the most obvious category to me since the game is effectively an auto scroller)

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New Categories: No Coins & Death

Hi all, I've added 2 new categories from the suggestions thread: No Coins & Death.

No Coins: Similar to Subway Surfers' category with the same name, survive as long as you can in one life without collecting any coins.

Death: Achieve the fastest death! That's all there is to it.

Happy runnin

1 year ago