JP/US differences
4 years ago
Texas, USA

I noticed on the rules for the JP version it states that it scrolls faster. I dont think this is correct. I believe this is possibly just a misunderstanding.

Per the game manual, "JJ/Kato" is easy - "Jeff/Ken" is hard mode.

Jeff/Ken runs faster, skids further, and jumps are not as high or far as JJ/Kato.

So I dont believe the games speeds are different, i just think it was a misunderstanding between characters on the submitted runs.

As far as I can tell the only gameplay difference is the fart/spray directions. Not sure if this would justify a merging of the boards, or a separation of characters for an Easy/Hard board - but figured I throw that out there to clear it up.

If needed I can record 60FPS videos of each showing that they are the same speeds.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
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