The run was clearly cheated
5 years ago
United States

I am furious and disappointed that anyone would dare desecrate the sacred memories of this game by cheating and speeding the game up in their emulator. During multiple of the Rat Chase segments it is clear that runner Fredinloko sped up the game by looking at the in game time limit. I think we need to ban emulators from use in submitting runs.

Georgia, USA

I don't personally think emulators should be banned. Emulators help drastically with accessibility to the run for new players. I do think however, that we need a defined ruleset that sets groundwork for what is and isn't acceptable on emulator. Speeding up the game should not be allowed, but emulators definitely should be.

United States

I concur with what you have said. I feel that my statement was made out of rash and unjust anger.


Well, you already played the game? If so, you know that you can press B to acelerate the rat? So, i was not skipping frames, just using a tool that the game allows me to use. Next time do some more research before pointing some fingers.

Nikt27 そして xzsaszx これを好き

Adamslow, are you really that dumb? You can't be serious about this. At least PLAY the game before you say anything

Nikt27 これを好き
投稿日 5 years ago
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