Gain 124 diamonds, trade for 620 zollars then buy first weapon in the city (orange) get to the second city, when in the second city dont buy anything just talk to the fisher who will give you the fourth and final weapon later in the game for free. Go to canals, talk to the dudes in the canals for doublejump ability, only spray four tags, talk to them and get out of the canals. When you enter the ship, remember to first swim to the left for the shoe with the key, that will grant you the fourth and best weapon in the game later on. When talking to fisher after swimming out of the ship, just spam enter, pick the first choice you have, or else you wont get the fourth weapon. Now go to mr, rarely attack enemies and just avoie as many as you can (skeletons, skeleton dogs, witches etc,) then talk to fisher, hes on your way so you cant skip him, he will give you the fourth weapon. Now, beat the rest of the game as you want.