New categories & future of the game
3 years ago

Hi all!

Two topics about new categories and the future of the game.

  1. To really allow for competition in a Wordle-sense, I would suggest to add a "5 games" or "10 games" category (or both). There is a Wordle discord and it seems also the webgame is run in both 5 and 10 games categories.

  2. The game as we play it now - the ROM by stacksmashing - only features a really small subset of what the original Wordle game offers - only 212 words can be the word searched for (see source), and determining if a word exists in the dictionary is done via a bloom filter which has its flaws.

I tried contacting the original author via email and twitter but he did not get back to me yet, it seems from my point of view that like it was more of weekend project and not something they plan to improve.

As I really see this as a problem for having the "real Wordle experience", I had a look and there are forks of the original code which are actively maintained and improved, and one that stuck out to me was this one:

It was developed on top of the work of stacksmashing, but features the full Wordle word list, full dictionary for checking valid words, and showing the correct word on losing and other small improvements.

I would be very interested in what you think of this. For me personally, the main issue is the small word list we have currently and I think it would be much more fun to play on a bigger/real word list. I would suggest to add a version with the real word list somehow on the boards, beside the current version.

Also, any idea how we could merge both ideas? One idea that came to my mind was having "1 game" and "10 games" categories with a leaderboard variable "Original ROM" vs. "Full word set", which would show up as a toggle in the respective category.

Oh_my_gourdness, Spanikef, そして Pear これを好き
Illinois, USA

I agree that 10 Games should definitely be a category, and possibly also 5 Games or even 100 Games. I personally like the fact that this version has a weird wordlist as it gives it a unique flavor compared to regular Wordle speedruns, but a category split for both versions would be cool too.

Oh_my_gourdness これを好き
Tennessee, USA

I'm fine with both a category split and new categories like 5 or 10 words. I don't have much to add but I'm pretty ok with adding new stuff.

Oh_my_gourdness これを好き

Thanks! I added the 5 and 10 games categories. Let's wait a bit on the issue with the full word list to see if there's any development, we can still add it later.

Oh_my_gourdness そして Pear これを好き
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