3 years ago
Ind​ianapolis, IN, USA

Hello everyone! I've been watching some of the more insane speedruns and I'm sad to see that almost all the guides are outdated. Does anyone know if there may be an update to this page soon for some of the guides? Thanks in advance! cheers!

MaxPogFrog これを好き

Which guides would you be looking for? I am definitely willing to make some more updated guides for the current runs and I know some others that might be willing as well. Just need to know what you'd want to see first.

PoppaBlade, videogameplayer100, そして MaxPogFrog これを好き
United States

There is a guide that a few of the peeps in the Offical Wizard101 Speedrunning Discord (you should join sometime) made for the group Malistare% run they're preparing to do on the 30th. (warning: doesn't include where to mark, and also doesn't include GK%)

Also if you're more interested in HL%, there's a BoS I made for it in resources.

PoppaBlade これを好き
Ind​ianapolis, IN, USA

Thanks for the comments! I'm super new to speedrunning in general, so the resources tab doesnt make...ANY...sense to me lol. but heck ya! i would love to join the discord! link it to me if you could! i will try to find it in the meantime! thanks again!

End of Year Tournament Qualifying Information

Hello all!

Welcome to the beginning of the first ever end of year Wizard101 tournament. Today begins the qualifying phase which will last until December 6th 2023 at 11:59pm EST. The goal of this phase is to seed the runners based on speed before the bracket begins on Dec 9th. Your qualifying time

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