6 years ago
United States

I am moving all the minigames from the level leaderboard to the Full-game leaderboard. Make sure you move all of your minigame speedruns to the newly added Full-game categories, 4 Player Minigames, 1 vs 3 Minigames, and 1 vs 1 Minigames. I have deleted every minigame in the level leaderboard, so make sure you have your videos saved and re-uploaded to the new full-game categories! I made this change because the Pair Minigames simply would not work as individual levels. I added a Pair Minigames full-game category. I will add stuff for it too, but I need to get my Wii U fixed.

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
New York, USA

I've resubmitted all my runs, however some people might not see this post and they're runs won't be on the boards again.

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
BluePiñata そして Danish_Soda これを好き