Any% Act 2
Any% Act 2
更新済み 1 year ago 投稿者: Random_Machine

A2M1 (Hold On, Kiddo)

A2M1 - Hold On, Kiddo

Go to the mission start location and be careful not to drive your bike into the water. This compares two different jumps to get to the Hold On, Kiddo mission marker if you get a late Kodachi (outside of the escape circle). The bridge jump only saves time if you get a late bike.

Don't restart mission here to keep the bike. Make your way up the stairs with the bike. You actually want to waste a couple of seconds before going to the road. If you go too fast, then the 15 seconds will run out and the mission will fail. For a reference, you can leave the area when Aiden starts to say "I don't need whatever you've got." Instead of waiting, you can also use the focus to delay the countdown timer so that the Damien dialogue finishes.

When the camera goes backwards, stick to the lines on the road because cars are less likely to be there.

At the house, park your bike close to the stairs. Inside the house, you can cover slide to go quicker. You can reuse the same bike for going to the next objective or use the bike parked on the opposite side of the street.

Non-Reload Autosave Route (Old)

For the fixers, you only want to eliminate the guys in the first cutscene. There are a few ways to do it. Shooting the two drivers of the cars works. You can also blow their cars up (with grenades). Or you can just shoot them. What I do is throw a grenade at the first car, and I shoot the driver of the second car (the other guys are optional). Don’t kill the reinforcements that are coming unless they manage to follow you to the end. Faster backup Strat: If you reload the autosave here, you only have to shoot at one of the first two fixer cars to "eliminate them" You will know this is successful if the fixers exit their vehicles.

To “eliminate” the rest of the fixers, just drive straight along the train tracks. Escaping from them also completes the objective.

At the end, park your bike on the train tracks.

Reload Autosave Route (Old)

A faster strat here is to park a vehicle in front of the train to stop it, but you need to reload the autosave first (For some reason, the train doesn't stop if you don't reload autosave). If you reload autosave, you only need to shoot at one of the fixer cars to "eliminate" them. I recommend shooting the tire of the far car and using a grenade for the closest car (or shoot one of its tires if you don't have a grenade). If you have the grenade launcher, you can use it to blow up the two cars. Then try to go to the right of the train when driving on the train tracks.

This alternate strategy saves time, but you will have to get a random car driving by and do a different cash run (after the mission finishes). People can call the cops on you, so be prepared to use a jam com if you do this strat.

Train Blackout Strat (Fastest)

This requires you to have obtained the early grenade launcher in Not the Pizza Guy (A1M7). The strat here uses a blackout (after the train is hacked) to prevent it from moving so that you can enter it at the first station. Then you blow up both of their cars up before killing the guys on foot; this makes only one car spawn, and you just blow that one up.

A2M1 to A2M2 (Tools of the Trade)

A2M1 to A2M2 - Tools of the Trade

Non-Reload Autosave Route

On the way to the pawn shop, make a teleport point for A4M6 near the fixed bike spawn if you didn't do the autosave strat in the previous mission. But don’t make it too close; otherwise the bike won’t spawn. There can sometimes be a car behind the fence (when going to the pawn shop), so try to slow down if you are going that way.

Reload Autosave Route

Make the teleport point on the road near a fixed performance car spawn if you went for the reload autosave strat in the previous mission. If you did the reload autosave strats in the previous mission, follow this route to the pawn shop instead:

Point the gun at the pawn shop keeper like you did after A1M2 (gun shop) to skip buying items from him or you can shoot your gun outside the store once you triggered the autosave there (I recommend doing this instead). You can also rob him if you're going for the Sayonara strat. If you buy items at the pawn shop, it will take longer for the autosave to appear.

Wait for the save icon to appear. Use a CR to teleport to the gun shop to buy the GL if you are going for that strat. Then use the cash run that you created on the way to the cemetery in Act 1 to teleport to the train station. Then use the train station to fast travel to Brandon Docks.

A2M1 to A2M2 (Brandon Docks ctOS)

A2M1 to A2M2 - Brandon Docks ctOS

After you reach Brandon Docks, spawn the fastest bike that you have unlocked. (Most likely gonna the Kodachi)

Old Route Then open up the cash run challenges app. You don’t have to make a teleport point for A2M9, but you have to open up the app to prevent the news announcements. The A2M9 warp is for safety if you do decide to make one there. Create a teleport point right outside the parking lot for going to A2M12 on the way to Brandon Docks ctOS if you don't want to do the bridge jump.

Bridge Jump Route Drive your vehicle/do the bridge jump to go inside the Brandon Docks ctOS control center. Be sure to hack the bridge as soon as possible if you want to do the bridge jump. Then you want to use the cameras to complete this mission.

After you’re done with the ctOS station, open up the cash run challenges app. This will prevent the map locator cutscene from popping up (you can also create the teleport point near the parking lot if you did the bridge jump earlier). Keep the app open until you reach the A2M2 start. But be careful not to close the app too early, or else the map locator cutscene will show up.

A2M2 (Breakable Things)

A2M2 - Breakable Things

Restart mission.

By aiming at the "roll" thing and throwing a grenade, you should be able to get it to kill the guy with the access code consistently. Then you can hack the access code off of his body while running to the forklift. After you have the access code, you can hack the forklift and climb up to the second floor.

You can get some items (electronic parts, unstables) while running down the stairs, or you can get them later after you kill Racine.

If you bought the GL earlier, you can do this strat to kill Racine and skip the "cutscene" showing the call between Damien and Robert Racine. The trick is to go behind the garage and aim the GL in a way that allows you to shoot through the wall. You want to use this reference point:

There’s also two lines of dialogue you can skip from Aiden by bailing out of the car if you want to try to do so, but you probably can't do that if you did the grenade launcher skip. You can still skip the first line of Aiden dialogue with the GL skip though. With the grenade launcher skip, you also can't leave the area to despawn the enemies. Go back inside the mission area to collect the proximity IED, electronic parts, chemical components, and etc. before the mission ends (and be careful about the enemies if you did the GL strat).

Fast travel to A2M3 (motel safehouse) using the map.

A2M3 (Collateral)

A2M3 - Collateral

Don’t restart this mission because it does nothing here except for restocking your ammo. Follow the same route as I do for killing the enemies.

Non-Grenade Launcher Strats

Get the electronic part (and the sniper rifle if you don't have one) on the roof. Be sure to activate the explosive panel before the car goes entirely over it. The grenade throw to the car on the road can be tricky, so practice that. Shoot the blackout generator to destroy the other car. Kill the snipers that spawn on the roof after you finish killing everyone below.

Grenade Launcher Strats

If you have the early grenade launcher, you can do this instead and skip going to the roof:

After going to Clara's car, take the fixed car or bike and drive over to the grassy area. You can also throw a grenade at the fixer car on the road to destroy it. Here is where you can also skip two lines of dialogue from Aiden.

After the mission is over, go to my challenges in the cash run challenges app. Since the teleport point is the very first one you created, go down to the bottom of the list and choose the last one.

A2M4 (One Foot in the Grave)

A2M4 - One Foot in the Grave

Restart mission.

Non-Audio Intercepted Skip Strat

Collect the items while Clara is walking (unstable chemical component, chemical component, system key, electronic parts). Be careful not to wander too far from Clara, or it will waste time. Also, don't pull any weapon out as that can fail the mission. As soon as Clara is close enough to the door, you can run to the car. Hack the guy first and then enter the car. Drive the car down to the fixed bike spawn. Get on the bike and try to drive to the sidewalk on the other side. You gain control sooner here because you’re out of range from the mission area. Use focus and sniper rifle to finish the fixer off. Or if you have the grenade launcher, use that instead.

Audio Intercepted Skip Strat

Alternatively, you can skip the audio intercepted call with this strat. This only works for fps above 100. Or if you can't achieve over 100 fps, you can throw a lure on the ground/car and hack that instead. Doing this without losing time requires you to hack the guy's call from inside the car. The cutscene fade (to the map cutscene) also seems to stop the car automatically so that you don't need to brake much to stop next to the bike.

Then drive over to the house. You can use the ramp in the underpass to jump across the water.

Warning: You can't start the poker game if you have less than $200, so make sure you did not spend too much buying the Sayonara if you got it. Finish the poker game quickly by folding. This strat is only possible on PC since you need the spacebar to do it. You need to wait until when Tobias starts saying his line first to press space and to skip that line and Aiden's line after that.

If you have fast loading, you can reload autosave after Tobias flips the table. Reloading autosave here also allows you to do the grenade launcher strat. The strat here uses the GL to shoot near Tobias to stun him after the autosave, allowing you to take him down closer to where you spawn. If you fail it, you can do the backup GL strat to take Tobias down after climbing over the wall.

Warp to A2M5 with the 1st cash run warp you created.

A2M5 (A Blank Spot There-ish)

A2M5 - A Blank Spot There-ish

Restart mission. Hack the bridge then take the bike behind you. Try to launch yourself over to the building by going over the rock. At the top of the first building, you can twist your camera angle to unlock the security gate. There is no need to use the cameras. Reload autosave after you activate the first generator.

To get to the second generator, you have to use cameras. Near the second generator is another item if you need it. Reload autosave after the activation.

For the third generator, you can use the fixed boat spawn inside the building to get to it. You also have to climb where there is no tire on the first row because they can prevent you from climbing. You can decide whether or not to reload the autosave after the third generator. There is a chance of the container door bugging out for me, so it’s a risk. A supposed fix for the buggy container door is to profile the white encrypted keypad to the right of the container door, but the door still bugged for me during my run. You can also try to aim at the door before using it. Another fix is to cap your fps to 30 or below before opening the door.

After you power up the bunker, get the blackout on your way out.

A2M5 to A2M6 (Wards ctOS)

A2M5 to A2M6 - Wards ctOS

While in the container on the way out, spawn a bike (Kodachi/Sayonara if you unlocked it) and use it to go to Wards ctOS/A2M6. Hack the bridge as soon as it comes into view. You don’t want the boats preventing the bridge from moving. If you don't want to deal with the boats at all, you can use this route instead:

You can just use cameras and an explosion (to attract the guard) to complete this ctOS control center. Make sure to not drive too close to the gate when you approach the control center because that can distract the guard who you need to hack. Also, don't hack the forklift either.

Make another teleport point before the A2M6 start location. This one will be for A3M6.

A2M6 (Jury-Rigged)

A2M6 - Jury-Rigged

Normal Strats

Restart mission. Equip the silenced pistol to use in this mission. Kill the guy at the entrance and the 2 guys near the first terminal. Get the electronic parts near the first terminal. Be careful of the snipers because they are sometimes more likely to see you. For the sniper on the left, you can have your gun out ready to shoot him or hack the explosive box next to him. Avoid the sniper on the right by avoiding his laser.

Use the SUV to escape the area. Bail out of the car to skip 3 of Aiden’s lines. Try to make it to the bar that you go to in Planting a Bug (A2M14) and make a cash run there. Rob the place too for money. Fast travel back to the bunker for A2M7.

Bike Strats (Harder)

If you want to save 20+ secs, you can do the bike strat in this video instead. You want to crash into the barrier in front at a decent speed, but not too fast to attract the guys in frone. Then shoot the two guys near the left terminal. For the right terminal, just drive slowly to avoid detection and use the forklift near there to distract the enemies. Also make sure to avoid the laser/sight of the snipers.

You also want to drive to the bar that you go to in A2M14 (Planting a Bug) to make a cash run there. Do some dialogue skips along the way. Then fast travel back to the bunker for the next mission.

A2M7 (Grandma's Bulldog)

A2M7 - Grandmas Bulldog

Don’t restart the mission here because it doesn’t work. Don’t collect any audio logs during this mission because it seems to make the end cutscene fade longer.

When taking the elevator to go up, hack the button outside before hacking the camera inside the elevator.

The only other interesting part in this mission is after you take the elevator. Zoom all the way into that hallway because you don’t want to accidentally hack the elevator camera again. When that guy in the hallway starts moving (About 4-5 secs after you hack the camera outside the elevator), you can finally hack him. If you’re quick enough, you can go directly from his camera to the terminal. His camera -> Hallway camera is the safer strat. If you fail to do all of that, then you get another chance before he exits the hallway. Don’t mess that up because you’ll have to wait for him to go back before you can hack the terminal. The end "cutscene" unfortunately can’t be skipped, so you can do something else while waiting.

You can spawn a bike and take it to the next mission just like you did before Wards ctOS. You can also take the safer route to avoid dealing with the boats.

A2M8 (Not a Job for Tyrone)

A2M8 - Not a Job for Tyrone

Restart mission. This mission can be buggy at the start. If I hack the terminal too early, Bedbug can randomly die. So I wait a few seconds before hacking. Other fixes to prevent Bedbug from dying at the start: turn Vsync on and set your Vsync frames to 2. Or, you can try shooting randomly outside Bedbug's house. The preferred method is to use an external fps cap to 30 or below if you are on PC.

When Bedbug exits the house, you can shoot past him with the silenced pistol to force him to walk faster, but this increases the chance that the mission can fail randomly later. To prevent this, it is recommended to wait for Bedbug's car to drive a bit further away before getting on the bike. Just be careful not to shoot him. Also, there is a system key that you can hack from the guy next to Bedbug's house.

Get on the bike, but don't start driving until Bedbug has gotten inside his car (as that can fail the mission. You might need to wait even longer if you did the "fast walking" strat). Unlock the IED and proximity IED in the skills menu for use in A2M9. If you are going for the Sayanora, you want to rob the clothes store/news stands in this area, but be careful about the countdown timer.

This mission has the biggest glitch in the speedrun. Once you reach the mission area, follow these instructions to do the skip. Note: this glitch requires an older patch to work (at least on PC) according to my knowledge (see V1.04.497 in resources). The skip basically requires 3 things to happen:

  1. Drive the bike into the area early to make the guys spawn. Make sure those guys actually spawn. Don't go there too early, or they might not spawn. I would go there when Bedbug says "Damn, man. They expecting Trouble?" Also try not to crash into any fences until you reach the second step.

  2. Drive out after doing 1. and kill the guy who is close to the edge of the area(near some fences) by shooting him in the head. By crashing into the small metal fence on the outside, you can get him to come closer towards you. It should not matter whether Bedbug can see his body or not.

  3. Kill the guy with the helmet by luring him out. Put down a lure at the appropriate spot. Wait until Bedbug dismisses one of the guys so that he can speak with the other guy alone. Then activate the lure when the guy says, "Mother-may-I...". Note: Wait until Bedbug is finished talking with the second guy before you kill the guy in the helmet. You can look at the map to see that some enemies will disappear. Immediately after that is the correct time to shoot the guy in the head.

After step 2, you can manipulate Bedbug to take a shortcut to the first guy he talks to by looking away from him when he exits the car until the prompt appears (the one that tells you to not lose track of him) and then go back to the cameras to look at him. Do note that this trick only works if you don't reload autosave after the Bedbug cutscene at the start of this mission, so you have to play from the beginning if you want to do it.

If you want to do the alternative fast walking strat, then you would drive the bike closer to the cameras/Bedbug. Then be prepared to shoot the silenced pistol near Bedbug's head.

While you’re waiting for Bedbug to walk around/talk to the first guy, you can get a system key from one of the roofs. That is before you kill the guy in step 3.

If you can’t do the glitch, there are a couple alternatives. One is to follow Bedbug into the place where he encounters Rabbit. Since you’re supposed to be locked in a camera while the encounter is taking place, you can’t do anything. But you can circumvent that by being there in person. The AI does not work and you can’t fail the mission when this is happening, so you can just shoot everyone except for Bedbug and Rabbit. It would be faster to kill as many people as you can before you go in the area with Bedbug and Rabbit. So you can try killing a couple more people than me:

Another alternative is to kill everyone before Bedbug even gets to the gate. You can ignore the enemies at the beginning (not the guy near the fences in step 2) because they will despawn. Move a truck near the couch to block the bodies, and move the other one out of the way to kill the enemies easier. The enemies near the gate can be killed using lures and your silenced pistol.

If you did the early phone call glitch, shooting enough times (probably 12+) allows Bedbug to detect you, so you don't have to drive up to him to make sure he is alerted. That will remove the time limit from not having him in view. Be careful not to drive into any explosions. Then drive all the way to A2M9. If your tire gets popped, use the A2M9 teleport or still drive there if you don't have it.

You might have enough time to do a dialogue skip and make it to Uninvited before the mission spawns (if you have a good drive).

A2M9 (Uninvited)

A2M9 - Uninvited

Don’t restart mission here because it doesn’t work.

The Aiden animation and time till the video starts playing on the computer can be skipped. You can do the skip by running at the corner of the computer (close to the bike) and pressing interact. By doing this, you can collect the items in the area: 2 IEDs, 2 electronic parts, and a chemical component. When the autosave appears, reload the autosave to save nearly a minute. You can get the IEDs on the table after you reload the autosave.

Watch the video to see where the IEDs are placed. You put an IED and a proximity IED in the first spot because the double explosion makes it more consistent to kill the enforcer. Also manage how many of each (IED/proximity IED) you have. There are two electronic parts in the area that you can pick up also if you do the old strat. Craft extra proxy IEDs if you have unstable chemical components left.

The new strat is risky because you don't have much time to place the IEDs for the car spawn in the east. You also can't place the IEDs directly in the spot of the car spawn because it might not be destroyed. And for exiting the area to reach the car spawn in the west, make sure you do it at about 5 secs because the car spawns get delayed for some reason if you exit the area too early.

Once the blue save icon pops up, what happens next depends on if you have a bike or not from earlier. If you have a Kodachi or Chopper available after the autosave, it is faster to not reload autosave (also if you are on console w/ slow loading and have a dirtbike) so that you can use them to kill the guy and drive to Bedbug. You want to also destroy the pallets to be able to see the phone from the spot(s) in this video, and that can be done by crashing into them with the bike or using explosives (grenade/GL). Be quick if you want to keep the bike because the timer can run out if you are doing the faster spawn camping strats. There is also strat here to use a camera glitch. You can hack the phone and control the car at the same time. I didn’t do the strat, but you can try it:

At the next objective, don’t drive too close to Bedbug and his guys. You will get detected if you rush in too quickly.

In this section, you can use the ATM that is on the opposite side of the street if you want to get extra money, but it does take some time. You can also rob a couple of news stands nearby.

You can also do something similar to what was done in Not a Job for Tyrone. You can shoot near Bedbug to put him into a state where he has the gun drawn and walks faster. It saves about 8 seconds here.

Old dialogue skip: Throw the lure on the light pole. Activate the lure when Aiden starts to say “I can”. Killing the two guys will skip some dialogue with Bedbug.

New Dialogue Skip:

There is also a dialogue skip with Aiden here. Bail out of the car when Bedbug starts to say “Man, who are you?” You can switch to first person if you want to hack the display terminal from farther away. Make your way to the pawn shop if you want to buy some more electronic parts and unstable chemical components. I prefer to go there. Alternatively, you can head for A2M10.

A2M9 to A2M10

A2M9 to A2M10

You have extra time to do something before A2M10 shows up. So, you can stock fully on electronic parts and unstable chemical components at the pawn shop. Rob this place if you still need extra money for the Sayanora.

If you decide not to go for the pawn shop, you can do some dialogue skips instead. Whether or not you go for pawn shop strats, you can get the dialogue skip at the end. Jump out around when Bedbug starts to say “you think I am?”

A2M10 (Breadcrumbs)

A2M10 - Breadcrumbs

Restart mission. You can profile people for system keys, money, or use the ATM while you’re waiting.

You can also manipulate the guy to move faster here. Shoot near the enemy with the suitcase as soon as the objective icon appears on top of its head. (It's possible you can get called on by bystanders. Avoid holding the gun for too long and being close to them.) He'll walk faster to the first briefcase exchange, afterward when the swapping ends and that the objective icon "reappears" on top of the new Holder of the case, do it like before with the first guy.

If you got a Kodachi motorbike, you can switch to a Sayonora (faster bike) at one of the fixed spawns while you’re following the boat. You can also profile people along the way to see if they have any system keys. However, the fastest thing to do here is to to tail the boat as closely as possible to make it go faster.

Normal Strats/Later Fast Walking

Use the silenced pistol to kill the guys at the marina. Park your bike as close as possible to the briefcase. But make sure the briefcase guy cannot see any dead bodies or gets interrupted by the noise of the bike.

When the briefcase guy walks out of the building, you can also manipulate him to walk faster. Shoot as soon as he opens the door (can shoot at the door) to spook him again and make him walk faster to his destination. You can collect the unstable chemical component and proximity IED at the marina also. Craft 2 proximity IEDs (make one earlier so that you can pick up the unstable). There is also a fixed system key you can get in the back while you wait.

For this guy, you want to kill him with a loud weapon to alert the other guy. If you get shot while interacting with the briefcase, Aiden’s animation gets interrupted and you can leave earlier.

Earlier Fast Walking

For earlier fast walking at the marina, you want to be able to hack the bridge and cross the other side before the boat gets there. Then open the door and stand near the railing to shoot the silenced pistol. Shoot once the briefcase animation starts because it will cancel the fast walking if you do it earlier. Doing it this way is very fast, so the guy is not there to shoot you and interrupt your briefcase animation. Use the silenced pistol to kill the briefcase or find another way to damage yourself when using the briefcase. You also need to hack the bridge again to exit the marina, but you should still have enough time to reach Mad Mile ctOS and do dialogue skips.

Drive to the ctOS place. Jump off the bike when Clara says “you mean miss him?” Be sure to slow down before jumping off. Then get on the bike and jump off again when you have enough speed.

Drive to the Rumor Mag poster and stay there. Don’t drive past that until the mission ends. If you go to the Mad Mile ctOS before the mission ends, there won’t be anything there and you’ll have to go back.

A2M10 to A2M11 (Mad Mile ctOS)

A2M10 to A2M11 - Mad Mile ctOS

At the MM ctOS, shoot the guard at the entrance with the silenced pistol. You can also try running him over with the bike (riskier strat), but that is not guaranteed to kill him. Use the explosion to make the guard look over towards that direction, allowing you to hack the window blinds and the router.

Risky strat:

On the way to A2M11, make a teleport point for A4M7. You have to slow down a bit and wait for the MM ctOS mission to end before you can make the teleport point. Make another teleport point near the train station for A4M2.

A2M11 (Stare into the Abyss)

A2M11 - Stare into the Abyss

It is faster here to restart mission than to keep the bike.

There is no need to run across the road and hack the terminal. You can just use cameras to hack it instead and reload the autosave to teleport yourself across.

After you hack the terminal, the Crispin cutscene can be skipped. If you want to get the system key inside, that is your choice as well. But it is likely you will have more than enough system keys.

There is an unstable chemical component near the wall that can be picked up (use your components to make a proximity IED if you are maxed out). You can just take out Crispin in one shot. And if you want, you can shoot early to make him run to the car. Then you can kill him there.

Use Jam Coms to prevent reinforcements if they call. Take the fixed fast car to the club.

If you reach the club quick enough, you can bail out of the car to skip more dialogue. The game can’t progress here until Aiden finishes talking, so there will be a black screen for a couple seconds at the club entrance if you go early. That gives you time to pick up the electronic parts and switch to IEDs (and hack to unlock the garage with the IEDs). Make sure to get the bullet resistance, explosion resistance (and also the demolitionist skill if you want) in the skills menu. The explosion resistance will be important for some dialogue skips later.

Sometimes the guys in the club will have system keys, so look out for that. After you exit the club, blow yourself up with an IED (but don’t die) or get inside the car (and bail out) to skip dialogue. Then get inside the car and be ready to bail out when Clara starts to say “That’s something, right?” You can pick up the IEDs in the garage if you unlocked it earlier.

Use the A2M12 cash run teleport after the mission is completed. Take the fastest car you see on the road or the parking lot/spawn the Sayanora and drive to the mission.

A2M12 (A Risky Bid)

A2M12 - A Risky Bid

Don’t restart mission here because it doesn’t work You can obtain a system key from the guy sitting at the desk at the start of the mission. Right before you reach Lucky and Iraq, there is a system key you can get at the cost of no time.

You can just run past the first guy on the lower level. Take down the second guy. After you climb up the ladder, the guy to the left won’t fail the mission if he sees you; just run past him. There is a flow chart for the last guy that you have to get past. If he goes left, then you go right. Go left around the boxes if he decides to go straight. If you were detected already by the previous guy, then you can take him down for safety.

There are some risky optimizations that you can do here instead. For the guy in the underground section, you have to do a stop and go motion to get past him. The other cutscene trigger in the last area might not always work either.

Hack the explosives on the upper platform to kill the two guys there. Craft a blackout here if you haven’t done so already. Use a blackout immediately after going through the fence door. The guys there can still detect you if you run right into them, so be careful not to do that.

At the next area, hack the garage door first and then hack the forklift on the right. That should hopefully distract the enemies enough. Then make a run for it. After you go outside, get on the bike. If you die there, the autosave should save you.

Non-Cash Run FT Route to Next Mission

As the mission ends, the usual way is to just go to the train station and fast travel to A2M13. After you get to the upper part of the map near A2M13, there are more dialogue skips that can be done.

Cash Run FT Route to Next Mission

However, if you're good with dialogue skips, you can use focus at the end of the mission to teleport using a cash run from A2M12 to A2M13 and do some more dialogue skips. If you do this strat, you can go back to the mission area to kill an enforcer and take his U100. Then do some dialogue skips before the next mission. The fastest route to Role Model is to actually use the In Plain Sight (A4M2) cash run. The bike at this location should be consistent.

A2M13 (Role Model)

A2M13 - Role Model

Restart mission. Place down 2 proximity IEDs in the appropriate spots. These will be for the 2 cars that come in during the cutscene. It is also possible to take out both vehicles with one proximity IED, but that needs to be looked into.

Take a car and drive over near the building (Or just run over to there). Take out the two guys standing in the front and the guy on the balcony. Then switch over to the shotgun (Or stick with the U100 if you have it) and kill the two guys near the cars. But make sure that the guys are alerted. You don’t want them hiding in the back; you want them to come towards you. Take out the guys at the far end. Finish off the rest of the guys near the stairs. This order should be very optimal in saving time.

Once you make it inside the building, there is another unstable chemical component.

Teleport to A2M14 using the teleport point created earlier near/at the bar.

A2M14 (Planting a Bug)

A2M14 - Planting a Bug

Restart mission when the blue save icon pops up.

Old Strat

Take a vehicle (not a truck to the next objective). You want to stop your vehicle right on top of the steam pipe. Don’t drive further in because that guy at the entrance can see you. Use your silenced pistol to take out the two guys on the left. The other guys can be ignored because they haven’t detected you.

Bike Strats

You can also do a slightly risky strat here instead. It is possible to drive a vehicle into the fenced area without alerting the enemies. Do note that you have to take one of the driving routes to the right when you spawn in for the new strat to work. You do want to slow down a little bit before entering the area so that the first guy doesn't detect you. The second guy can also be in a different spot, so make sure to check where he is before entering. There is more time to be saved with this strat than shown because you can use the vehicle you drove in with to escape the area, which can be a lot faster than the fixed vehicle that you usually use.

Before you enter the small room to talk to Bedbug, you can open up your phone menu and trigger the objective. That will allow you to move around freely and do a dialogue skip there. Just don't bail off the bike as you exit the doors because that will kill you.

When you take control of the camera inside, profile the first guy to see his outline through walls. When you finally see the guy go to the other room, tell Bedbug to start moving. Watch my runs to see how to do the rest.

After exiting the building, you should be able to take the same route I took in my run. Or kill all enemies with the grenade launcher if you want to do that instead (and if you have it). First, shoot 20+ times to make the enemies pursue you. That also makes the guys on foot not spawn. Then blow up all enemy vehicles as quickly as possible. This saves 3+ seconds over driving out of the area if done well.

When you finally escape the area/eliminate all enemies, start bailing out of the car/bike to skip some dialogue. Fast travel back to the hideout when the mission is done.

A2M15 (Way off the Grid)

A2M15 - Way Off the Grid

There are some dialogue skips that you can do prior to this mission. You can also hack the bridge early.

Don’t restart mission here because it doesn’t do anything. When you reach the area with the fixers, you want to reload autosave to skip dialogue. Make sure the first guy sees you and is alerted. That should make everyone go to you to make them easier to kill for you. Then go inside the building and kill every enemy there.

Ignore the first part of this video and only pay attention to what happens at the fixer location.

You can skip a line of dialogue from Aiden using IEDs. But make sure that you don’t get a double explosion; that can kill you. Pick up the grenade launcher, IED, and proximity IED in the area also.

The next part where you defend the area will be mostly about surviving since there is no known way to speed it up. Just be careful to not let any fixers destroy the gas canister next to the old PC since you will need that for the firetruck chase skip. Try to destroy the fence outside (that obstructs your view from the firetruck) with the grenade launcher before the download finishes because it will allow you to do the skip. You can go over to the ammo crate to restock your grenade launcher. Kill everyone until there’s two left. Don’t kill anymore until the data reaches 100%. More people will come after you if you just keep killing them.

The explosion from the canister will interrupt Aiden's animation, allowing you to gain control of him much earlier. It is recommended to shoot this canister with a less powerful weapon so that it doesn't blow up in one hit. If you blow up the fence outside, you will have a clear line of sight to shoot the fixer before the firetruck cutscene starts. You can aim your gun early to make this shot easier. This skips the entire chase and is much easier than the old strat. The only problem is the canister getting blown up before the download finishes, but you can reload the autosave to fix that.

If you only have the grenade launcher, you can use this reference point instead to kill the fixer. Do note that the fixer may not run to the firetruck initially, so you may have to look to see which direction the fixer is going. If he is looking towards you, aim further down. However, this only happens if you don't reload the autosave after the download finishes.

Use the teleport you created before Act 1 Cemetery (near the parking lot) to go to Act 3.