New Category Idea
4 years ago
United States

"All Songs"

It's exactly how it sounds. You complete all "Song Easter Eggs" in the Zombies mode as fast as you can. Going in order from "Nacht der Untoten" to "Der Riese", where the timer starts once you gain control and ends once the activation sound is heard on each level's Song Easter Egg (Timing would be in Game Time). Not only is this a new idea for a category it could be something to help sort out the entire page, by making each level go into an "il" leaderboard instead of having EVERY category be its own full game run, by adding more real full game run categories to the page it could help sort out the layout. I believe this is a good idea & start to the future of full game categories for this page and every CoD Zombies page on, I don't think there could be any other category for this game but maybe for other Call of Duty titles there could be an "All Songs" or "All Main Quests/All EE's" category. Here is a run of "All Songs" in 9:08.848 that I archived showing that this category is indeed a working category that could be added to the page as the first full game category.

BOZAK_115 そして -Jelmer- これを好き
Nottinghamshire, England

I don't think it fits on this page personally, it would be more suited for category extensions I'd say.

tool_ateralus, BOZAK_115, そして uakie これを好き
Ohio, USA

I agree with Nokia. It just doesn't seem like an "Official" category to be placed here, but category extensions would be a fitting place.

tool_ateralus これを好き
Massachusetts, USA

Isn't that already in category extensions

mattsmith01010 これを好き
Nevada, USA

@notitsam this was 2 years ago