ideas for categories
3 years ago
Portland, OR, USA

All achievements takes a while and is probably not so attractive to a lot of players. Some ideas I've had that I think are at least more accessible are categories such as

Level 10/20/30/40/etc: Fastest to get to a certain level.

Kill Count: Fastest to get to 1,000 kills, for example. Could be less, or more. Whatever people think would be fun.

AFK: This one is tricky, but I love the idea of completing the full 30 minutes, and having the timer go only when the character is standing still. Whoever can beat the level with the most time standing still wins.

These categories are likely going to be separated by character, stage, and probably have the rule of no power ups on (so people can try and run instantly).


North Carolina, USA

I agree on a few different points here. The "All Achievements" category is on the longer side, and indeed not immediately attractive to those considering a run for this game (though I still believe it to be important). I also agree we definitely do need more categories.

The only issue with this game is that I see it basically having a nearly infinite amount of categories, so we would need to decide what runners find the most interesting and what a possible future event showcase would want to see (just in case later on down the road a runner would like to submit this to a speedrunning event). I know @sladke mentioned in Discord that once we get more interest from others running, they were going to make a poll to see what category(ies) would be best added. So yeah, we can throw a ton of categories at the wall and just see which one(s) get voted in.

As far as your categories, I definitely think the level based ones and the kill count based ones would be great to see in my opinion. The AFK one does seem a bit tricky, but interesting.

So as far as my opinion goes, get those kill/level categories introduced just to get the ball rolling. For level, I think 100 would be an interesting run. It wouldn't take long at all honestly as I'm sure most of us get 100+ in a single level playthrough. For kills, I also think 1,000 is a good threshold. So both a level 100 and kills 1,000 category would be quick and easy for those wanting to do a shorter run. And plus with the RNG elements of the game, it's going to take a bit before any of these categories can be fully optimized.

All this just being my two cents of course.

United States

I just made the poll:

I personally don't like the afk one. its cool, but that sounds near-impossible to time accurately and more of a challenge run than something for speedrun leaderboards

crunchprank これを好き

My idea is a speedrun to a full 6 weapon slots of evolved weapons

TheHerald そして winterkid09 これを好き

Death% category where you need to be killed by the Death in any location. All deaths similar category but you need to be killed on all 3 locations but i think it will be very long run. Something like all bosses category where you need to kill Nesuferit, Blue Venus and maybe Death. Run for an any evolved weapon should be pretty short and fun i think.

United States

Another category idea could be obtain all evolved weapons.

Michigan, USA

Filled out the poll and I like the idea of having kill count and level categories. I think that would be pretty fun to do and would go by quite fast! I'm not sure if we want to do a list for each character or not. As stated earlier, I do like the obtain all evolved weapons category too! I think it would be a lot of fun!

Edit: After testing out a couple runs. I did a 10000 kill run in 10:14 in Inalid Library. I think we could possibly split the categories for maps too.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Minnesota, USA

I was thinking that perhaps a speedrun category to get the fastest weapon evolution would be pretty fun. Map, weapon, and character are all up to the runner and timing stops when you get the upgrade from the chest

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago

fastest weapon evolution: it will be bunches of 10:01 to 10:05 its not something that can be called uncommon, and rly rly easy if u play lab. if its a fresh file run, well it may take some research for best route ( if password banned.)



What do you think about fastest to (beat) get to the 30min mark and get killed by death in the first level, starting with a fresh save.

We could go with restrictions like :

  • You can only play mad forest
  • You can unlock characters
  • You can unlock power ups but not refund them

So I just made an example run to illustrate how I was thinking, but obs didn't record. I'll try once again tomorrow if I have the time. Meanwhile I can say that the run I did took somewhere around 1h15

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago

Not sure but I think a first map reaper might just be a bunch of 30m runs.

How about a Poppea unlock run?


I managed to record a "test run", didn't time it (would be roughly 1:05:20 or something) or had any real strategy.

The way I see the thing, you just start with a fresh save (nothing unlocked anywhere) like you started the game for the first time, the timer start when you appear on the map and from then on it doesn't cut until you get killed by death.

So all the menuing (getting powerups and chars) in between games count as well.

Theres a lot of room for improvement of course took too much in the menu Can probably shave off a lot of time by dying sooner the first time since you just need to evolve the weapons enough to unlock somme passives plus chest can't be skipped on the first game.

Tell me what you think

TetraJajon そして Musk_ox76 これを好き

Sounds good

LaurentDeGr4ff これを好き
United States

Im a little late to this party, but i agree on "full completion" at least until they have everything in game, whats the point of doing a completion of 65/65 when next month it may be 70 achievements.

Id be all for a catagory where we race to unlock certain characters. Dommario, Poppea, and Pugnala, Krochi could be good ones.

TetraJajon これを好き

Agree with LaurentDeGr4ff on the fresh start to 30:00 and Therokito for the fresh start to unlock characters. It might be a bit odd but what I’ve been doing for fun is seeing if I can beat a stage when using a game speed modifier (e.g. “Speedhack” in Cheat Engine). Could be fun to see who could finish a given stage with the highest modifier. Allow any characters and arcanas for run variety but no powerups. Would need to record the speed modifier and the real time from 0:00 (after arcana select if it’s unlocked) to the final death screen (with quit not revive). Video with 3X speed modifier, ignore that I have powerups, I recorded it quickly to show the concept.

LaurentDeGr4ff これを好き
Minnesota, USA

In Dairy Plant (and maybe some other maps), you can evolve weapons before the 10 minute mark, meaning an "evolve a weapon" category wouldn't just be 10:0x times

I would be interested in seeing categories that disallow the "hidden" characters, ie Leda, Exdash and Toastie.

CECEdotgay これを好き
California, USA
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Leda does seem mandatory for every run now, which makes things less interesting.

MildGothDaddy これを好き
United States

There should definitely be different categories for diff characters. Every run being leda gets boring when theres over 20 you can pick from.

New Category

Hey dear Vampire Hunters,

As the new DLC dropped, I decided to get my shit together and finally make the new category, Friends%, as suggested by a user on the Discord server. If you want to run it, be careful to read the rules as the category is quite a bit different than the other categories we

4 months ago