Category definitions update
4 years ago
United Kingdom

I've been thinking about the categories for this game and there is some overlap between them. For example New Game + All Levels is the first 50 levels and the 2 DLC packs, whereas New Game + is just the first 50 levels. So you'll always see the latter in a run for the former.

I'm proposing separating out the main 50 levels and the DLC. So there would be: Any% - reach the end of the main 50 levels from fresh save All levels - do every level, including DLC, from fresh save New game+ - do the main 50 levels, fresh save not required New game+ DLC - do all the DLC levels 100% - complete the main 50 levels from a fresh save, earning 9840 xp (full medal on each stage) 100% DLC - complete the DLC levels earning a full medal on each stage

I know Kalkalis' recent run wouldn't fall in the new categories, so I suggest this run would be split for both the New Game+ record and DLC levels record.

I didn't want to make any changes without running it past people first, but if I've not heard any objections I'll update it soon.

FlyHec これを好き

We'd had some discussions about this on my streams about how we would like to shape the categories going forward.

Separating the DLC away from the Base Game is a good way to make the scene more accessible to all. The reasoning we had was that, say, if a PS4 or a PS Vita player were to make runs, they would need to buy the DLC packs. Now, the investment isn't large but it does mean that if someone got the game through the original PS Plus distribution, they would have been paying a little extra than a Steam or Switch player.

Making the NG+ (possibly call it NG+ Base) and NG+ DLC would be a good addition but keep the NG+ All Levels (even with the above DLC caveat). The reason being that all 3 categories brings it's own challenges with it. The DLC don't offer up a massive amount of improvements due to the nature of the levels. If they were separated off into their own section and never included as part of an All Levels Run, it might struggle for attention. I know I would run them but I think if it's going to be a true All Levels run, the DLC should be there too. Also, a DLC Any% from a fresh save might be good too due to upgrade mechanics altering those as well

A NG+ All Levels unique challenge is making the marathon a little harder. It requires a change of play for the DLC section from the rest of the game, as it takes a play style only included in 3 levels right at the end and spreads it across 10 new levels. Going from the gameplay mindset of the base game to the Dual Core Levels is a drastic shift in attitude to moving around a level compared to just going fast. It could also lead to runs where the DLC is completed first as part of a strategy (this could save some time in menus too) instead of running the whole game and ruining the run on the DLC section.

In the older posts, I saw talk about how Any%/100% Perfect as a category wouldn't be a too important a category to include. And the idea that if you were to go for a flawless run is indeed the best times for these categories, it really does change the way in which the game is played as opposed to being more reckless in a generic 100%. It also makes newly found strategies (i.e. Glaive Skip) not possible and this strategy saves a good 2 minutes in your timing.

There are also potential strategies for exploiting checkpoints in areas when using telepods (not by DeathWarp since it's been patched on all platforms) but where you move to certain areas, die and then end back at the latest checkpoint which is further away in the area. I'd say, given the new knowledge/strats uncovered in the last 2 weeks, the separation can be justified

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
FlyHec これを好き
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