スレッド: Speedrunning
FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

i think you should ask this in the game's forum, you'd get more responses

Pear これを好き
スレッド: The Site
FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

Submit a new run. Never edit for this.

Pear, Vakala そして 3 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

[quote]My goal and how I see it right now is to be a top runner for a game while having the option to run a second game just for fun or to go to when I get burnt out on the other.[/quote]

Might be better to just start your second game with a casual playthrough then. I think it would be better for you that way.

If you like the game enough after playing it casually, you could consider running it. I think in the long run that would help, otherwise i believe you would end up taking the second game too seriously, or just not like it enough to keep things fun.

(It's possible that it works differently for you, but for me, that goes well)

スレッド: Speedrunning
FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

Sounds like you're just trying to do too much. Speedrunning should be a fun activity, don't go too hard on it.

Take it easy. Getting good can be important depending on your goals, however sometimes it takes a while, you can't always rush things.

The important part is having a good time.

Also, maybe interacting with the communities for your games would help, especially if they do races. It's a good opportunity to practice, derust, and have fun without taking things too seriously.

Plus, you can learn things from others. It may sound weird, but just talking about strats can be enough. Some strats are easy enough to be learned that way.

Loa_Wolfe そして GFM これを好き
FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

While it's "ok", i think it should be avoided, especially if it takes a while. The main issue, imo, is that for splicing runs (as in, editing vids and faking runs), that'd be a perfect occasion.

To be fair though, things happens ¯_(ツ)_/¯

スレッド: The Site
FrancexDrHellx4 years ago
Liv これを好き
FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

yeah no wonder it's 38gb, the bitrate is way too high

your bitrates are 20 000 & 60 000, that's overkill, try using 2000 & 6000 instead (also you could probably change VBR to CBR to keep a constant bitrate, instead of varying between 2000 & 6000 when it's needed)

Caidren そして SioN これを好き
FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

ah crap my bad, i don't know how i didn't notice lol

FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

From what i've played (finished PS1, played a lot on PC, and tried PS2 as well) : Compared to PS2, there's smaller loading times (PC has close to none with how smooth everything is, and PS1 has smaller ones).

I haven't had any issues about areas unloading. However the boss glitch (the boss in the mansion with Carnby) is still present in PC & PS1.

Though apparently one way to prevent it is to first start a game with Aline and then exit & play as Carnby.

FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

eh, if you say so

FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

[quote]This isn't our choice. It's the way the Variables are designed and setup on this site.[/quote] Tbh i'm pretty sure there's a way to make this look a lot cleaner, leaderboards have evolved a lot, we aren't as limited as years ago.

FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

I'll sit, but considering the RE2make leaderboard has something similar, i doubt it'll be changed. Hopefully someone will prove me wrong.

And yeah, i guess now that i know there's actually no 60 fps runs, it is nitpicky, however before you replied to me i didn't know there wasn't any, which was surprising to me, because back when RE2make came out, people were doing both 120 and 60 fps (also to be fair, i'd rather run on 60 fps because of my PC, and i couldn't imagine no one else would do the same).

FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

it's not nitpicky : i wanted to filter by FPS, i saw 2 options, which didn't make sense to begin with. I started with the first one.

Then after the first option didn't show anything, i though it wasn't working properly and tried the second option, which gave wrong results.

This is bad and confusing leaderboard design.

FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

Ah ok

I suppose it's not worth it then, interesting

FrancexDrHellx4 years ago


honestly not sure how that can be missed

FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

Is it really worth it to take damage on purpose to be on caution then ? Is the speed difference still "big enough" ?

FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

[quote]Leaderboards seem to be working as intended.[/quote] E-Excuse me ?

All the options are showing atleast twice, one of them shows nothing (so i guess that's the correct one if there's no 60 fps runs), and another one gives wrong results.

How is this "working as intended" ? Do you mean to tell me this leaderboard is messy on purpose ?

[quote]livesplit is to help mods. Just a thing to help make sure the runs are clean.[/quote] Ah alright, that kinda makes sense, actually.

FrancexDrHellx4 years ago

Hello, i've taken a look at the leaderboard and i'm really confused :

When selecting 60 FPS variables for showing runs, 120 FPS runs shows up instead (if i'm selecting 60 from the second FPS option, as the first one just hides every run... actually, why is everything showing up 2 times ?).

The rules asks for Livesplit to be on screen, yet it seems pointless : runs never mentions RTA at all (as in, it's not shown anywhere, all that matters seems to be IGT).

Any chance the leaderboard could be fixed ? Its a huge mess atm and it's making looking for strats (other than NG standard) very difficult.

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