Canadasigma6 years ago

Here is a permanent invite to the discord:


This will be the main place for discussion and information about the game. You're free to use the forums to ask questions, but you'll likely get a much faster response in the discord.

Canadasigma8 years ago

My autosplit script is in the resources section on here now, in case anyone's looking for it.

Canadasigma8 years ago

Hey guys,

I originally submitted this game with the intention of running it, but got distracted by other games about halfway through learning consistent strats for any%. I may get back to it someday, we'll see.

Anyways, the point is -- if any of the active runners would like to moderate, just let me know and I'll add you. I'll keep verifying any%/IL runs of course, but if someone were to do 100%, I honestly don't even know where all the collectibles are, so that would be sitting in queue for quite a while.

Cheers, Sigma

Canadasigma8 years ago

I discovered this inadvertently in a 100% run when I did it on a gravity field that was timing out on its own. Basically, if a horizontal gravity field deactivates around the time you're releasing dash, you retain your vertical dash speed. If you hold dash too long, you end up dashing horizontally immediately and don't go anywhere.

I tried to find a place that this actually saves time in level 4 and 5, but since it really doesn't take you very far, I couldn't find anything major. It might cut a few seconds in some spots, but it feels similar to superjump timing, so whether it's worth attempting to line it up -- and risking just falling out of the field if you miss -- who knows.

Canadasigma8 years ago

Funny little trick I found:

Not sure how useful it is -- setting it up relies on the random position of the cube, but it's pretty easy to do. Just make sure you're above the cube, and then hold dash into it. Maybe has some application somewhere.

Canadasigma8 years ago

I was testing the possibility of activating generators early in level 5, and came up with a solid "maybe".

You can hit the generators from a pretty great distance, but as far as I can tell, you need to get quite close to them before they will load. If anyone can activate a generator with some setup like the ones I use in the video below ¤without¤ approaching the generator to load it first, there could be some extreme time saves available for glitchless runs.

Assuming the generators are indeed unloaded until you approach them, it may still be of value to figure out exactly when they load, and potentially try to snipe them from there.

The youtube description has timestamps leading you to relevant times (nobody needs to see 5 minutes of me shooting nothing before explicitly loading the generator, then doing the same thing and hitting it).

Canadasigma8 years ago

This one's not nearly as broken as the elevator wall clip that's banned in glitchless, and it's not so much a wall you're going through as a small gap. Ban it, allow it, thoughts? This may actually be useful in 100% anyways as a way to climb this area fast for the log up there.

On a semi-related note, I think it might be possible to activate the tower above the floor 2 spark path with a well-angled shot from outside (might need to be around the floor 2 spark path for the angle). Haven't managed to do it yet though... need to test more.

Canadasigma9 years ago

The original definition of glitchless was just "no fling, no level 5 wall clip"... it accomplished the goal of playing through the game without completely skipping levels like the fling does for 4 and 5, while still leaving some tricks in (most notably superjumps).

However, mega jumps destroy level 3 and level 5 in a similar way to how the fling does it. Here are some links to the jumps I'm referring to:

Level 3

Level 5

If these are to become the routes for the no fling/no clip category, that's ok with me, but I just figured it'd be worth opening up a discussion on it, and perhaps considering no fling/no clip/no mega category -- or maybe just banning these particular megas? There are a lot of useful ones that don't skip such large portions of the map. It's hard to say if using the bug in this way is just a improvement to the route, or if it warrants a different category.

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