スレッド: Super Auto Pets
United Statesrolltorest3 years ago

Haven't been watching this board in awhile cause I was taking a break from running but my current thoughts:

Main thing about expansion pack that makes it not popular is that it is incredibly hard to speedrun relative to standard pack. Standard pack has lot of animals that reward tempo play and make it relatively easy to shoot for 10 straight wins in 10 turns. Expansion pack #1 is mainly about long term scaling which is explicitly detrimental to speedrunning. However I still enjoy it because you get to play with a very different group of ideas.

Unfortunately no one but me even attempted multiple pack speedruns so I can't blame Terter for removing the category, but I would like to see some type of run that rewards being able to play for consistent winrate. I admit though that it is a daunting task for an average runner.

スレッド: Super Auto Pets
United Statesrolltorest3 years ago

I actually have some runs like this (twitch streamer Stanz came up with the initial concept). ex:

スレッド: Super Auto Pets
United Statesrolltorest3 years ago

@terter Wondering if people would be interested in multiple pack runs, like getting 10 win arena runs with standard and then expansion pack (or vice versa) in 1 contiguous segment

スレッド: Super Auto Pets
United Statesrolltorest3 years ago

Thanks for the update, much more clear now

terter これを好き
スレッド: Super Auto Pets
United Statesrolltorest3 years ago

Can we get a more detailed explanation of when exactly the timer should end? Saying it "ends when the final 10th victory screen begins appearing." is a little vague because we can click and skip the trophy animations.

Swagasuarus これを好き
3 years ago
2 years ago
Super Auto Pets
Super Auto Pets
最終ラン 3 years ago
Super Auto Pets
Super Auto Pets
最終訪問 3 years ago