スピードランにおいて、一般的にはタイマーストップのタイミングはプレイヤーの操作を受け付けなくなるときですが、当カテゴリにおいては着地時点をタイマーストップとします。 理由のひとつとして、ノーマルモードはクリア判定が確定してしまう(宝箱を取得しリザルトに入る)と再入場ができなくなるため、同じステージのリトライが容易でなくなることが考えられるためです。
現状はこのルールのまま運用しますが、今後に問題が起こった場合は都度議論して決定したいと思います。 今申請いただいているものは順次見ますのでお待ちください。
日本語ですみません~~ ひとまずドリドラドの遺跡の各カテゴリについては、ノーマルモード/ハードモード、パクテリア育成あり/なしのカテゴリ分けをしました。 その際INDIVIDUAL LEVEL CATEGORIESのカテゴリがINDIVIDUAL LEVELSすべてに適用されてしまうのでノーマルモードとハードモードを追加して、ドリドラドの遺跡モード限定というルールを加えました。 なので、ミッションドリラーとドリドラド遺跡でエンプティ枠が出来ますのでご了承ください。 もっと編集の知識があればきれいに整理できたんですけど……もっと美しい編集方法をご存じでしたらご教示お願いします。 マインクラフトとかかなり細分化されてるんですけど一体どうやっているのか。
Category created !!!!!! I'm having trouble figuring out what to do with the INDIVIDUAL LEVEL CATEGORIES because the categories are applied to the Any% and 100% slots. Please set Any% as with pacteria training and 100% as without training when you apply for the category. Mr. Aeihu, please help us.
Proposed addition of new categories
We propose the following rules for the proposed addition of a stand-alone category for each of the Doridorado Ruins.
1.The measurement section will start the timer at the moment the ruins are selected and stop the timer at the moment they land at the final location. 2.The timer should be stopped at the moment of landing at the final point, Normal mode: Conversation movie after clearing the stage Hard mode: The Pacteria Grand Temple must appear on the stage selection screen. The above must be captured on video. 3.There are no restrictions on the training of Pacteria.
Rules other than the above are in accordance with the basic rules. If there are no objections to the above, we will create a new category within a few days.
Thanks for your input on the rules. I think it would be better to make it easier for players to retry, as long as moderators are aware of the different difficulty levels. Would it be easiest for players to start the timer when they select a stage or retry, and stop the timer the moment they land on the goal, whether in normal or hard mode?
In the future, if we create a category that prohibits pachteria training, we may need to prove it. ......
I agree with the proposal to add a category. I also think we need to talk about separating hard and normal mode. Retry commands should be selectable from the menu window and moderators should be aware of the difference between normal and hard and approve the records. It is possible that a normal mode record could be mistakenly posted in the hard mode category.
We will be happy to look at the records for reference. If there are any objections or rules that should be mentioned, we would be happy to discuss them with you.
I think this is a very interesting category.
The timer start & stop timing does not seem to be a problem, so I would like to take a look at the run through once and agree to add it if there is nothing noteworthy.