The year is 20VV. Competitive Super Doomspire has reached its zenith. No longer are matches decided through other weapons. It began when some questioned the idea of matchups against swords. The community realized that gameplay no longer mattered, and only the weapon. Tournaments became complex games of rock-paper-scissors, and eventually another epiphany was had. Why bother with deciding afterwards and wasting time when the match could be decided before it began? Thus, referees decided who won and who lost automatically using a combination of facial recognition AI, mandatory reflex tests, and standardized quizzes and tests on military tactics and stratagem. With time, tests weren't even needed. Judges became so acute at deciding who won and who lost that tournaments happened in seconds, and results uploaded in less. The final destination was reached. Babies were bred and engineered to become the most desirable "players", if one could call it that. Soon, humanity ceased to think, and became mindless slaves to the autonomous ones and zeroes that decided their worth, ironically becoming the machines they once played with.
I would like to formally apologize to XmenORAvengers Before this post gets a bunch of hate hear me out I respect the dude and never wanted to come off as rude, I felt verbally abused so as a natural reaction I retaliated. I understand and have learned from my mistakes, I just found it unfair to receive hate for wanting to make a yt series, I agree that the first video was BAD, I could've handled the situation better. I promise not to ever lie again, I will make absolutely sure that my new review videos as informative as possible and gather more information through people with more skill than me!
As for now, I still feel a bit shaken by the situation but I'm sure all will be well. I do expect an apology from XmenORAvengers as I apologized for my mistakes I hope this situation becomes a distant memory