rule say "timing starts on the first frame that the stage",and HILL CLIMB RACING rule says "For all categories time starts the first frame your character is visible". for example 帝都长城 50m no.1 Mod Message: Time starts at 2.083 and ends at 5.567 at 60 fps to get a final time of 0h 0m 3s 483ms. But it should be: Time starts at 1.850 and ends at 5.467 at 60 fps to get a final time of 0h 0m 3s 617ms.It's all delayed,and me too. can we can we do it all over again?retime
The rules write the timing when the game starts,but i saw level 1 no1 the timing starts after a short black screen after clicking the first level of the game.Didn’t it start timing when you clicked the first level?
(maybe i should say Individual Level)Should I start timing when Jack moves or when I click 1-1! “click the "Activate" button above your splits ”-"Activate" button unavailable It can start timing automatically but cannot end automatically after the level is over