スレッド: Ultimate Doom
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us2 years ago

Yeah unfortunately I wasn't able to figure out the issue with Crispy Doom. But, dsda-doom works great! Thanks for the help 👍

スレッド: Ultimate Doom
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us2 years ago

Awesome, the issue was the earlier version I was using didn't have the option.

One final issue, when I use this option, if I restart demo, when I play it back it places the demo in 1-9 instead of 1-1, any idea why?

Here's a link to the two demos if that helps, the first one is just me starting and then hitting reset demo, the second i am supposed to be running through 1-1 but it starts up 1-9. https://4-8productions.com/downloads/kneedeep.lmp https://4-8productions.com/downloads/kneedeep-00000.lmp

スレッド: Ultimate Doom
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us2 years ago

Thanks Tezur0! I don't see the demo reset button on crispy doom though, I found reset level, but that desyncs the demo. Is the setting in the crispy doom setup, or in the crispness settings?

スレッド: Ultimate Doom
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us2 years ago

I'm new to the doom running scene, and one issue I have with recording demos is with OBS. When recording a demo, the game launches straight into the game, but OBS takes a moment to recognize the game and display it properly. One easy fix for this is to use display capture instead of game capture, but even display capture has this issue when playing in full screen, which I do due to having a 2K monitor, and crispy doom not displaying on the screen correctly in windowed.

Is there an easy fix for this that would help RTA runners keep their splits and record demos?

Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us2 years ago

Up to the mods, but I think emu should be okay as long as it runs the same obviously. You could make the argument that mouse/keyboard might be unfair, but im not sure it would be any faster than stylus.

スレッド: Final Fantasy VII
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us3 years ago

Yeah, it is incredibly strange how the FPS in the game works, I have watched weaker computers pull higher FPS, and the same computer run different FPS on different occasions. Calling it random, although maybe not true, is accurate enough given we have absolutely no idea how it works lol.

スレッド: The Site
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us5 years ago

Having a small issue with verification, this run: https://www.speedrun.com/puzzle_star_sweep/run/y2qnq9jy

The run is verified, but it still shows up as awaiting verification. There's no way to verify or unverify the second copy because if you click it, it just goes to the verified run.

Thanks in advance for any help you can throw my way ;)

スレッド: Puzzle Star Sweep
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us5 years ago

Version of the game :)

スレッド: Puzzle Star Sweep
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us5 years ago

Oh nice you found the ntsc :)

Endermity これを好き
スレッド: Puzzle Star Sweep
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us5 years ago

Try here: http://coolrom.com.au/roms/psx/39980/Puzzle_Star_Sweep.php

Also there's a PS3 port, cheap and works well if you already have a PS3. Don't know if it's available on the EU store though.

スレッド: Puzzle Star Sweep
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us5 years ago

I haven't done any testing on attack modes, but it makes sense to place them in their own PAL category just as the main categories are, so I went ahead and did that. I think timing them on in-game time is okay, now that they are even.

I'm not sure if milliseconds are necessary, that's a little too precise for a game with not many runners yet in my opinion. I think time attack being in-game time is also nice because you can spam a lot more attempts without having to reset a timer.

スレッド: Puzzle Star Sweep
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us5 years ago

Okay all the changes are done, feel free to comment here with any questions/concerns :)

スレッド: Puzzle Star Sweep
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us5 years ago

I'm making a forum post about this change before I go ahead and do it because it is a very tough decision to make. With such a small community here, I would much rather keep all runs on the same leaderboard, splitting them up just makes the community seem even smaller than it already is. However, after extensive testing it has come to my attention that the PAL version has a SIGNIFICANT advantage over the ntsc version, emulation or not.

In short, the PAL version runs about 20% slower than the ntsc version, which would seem like a disadvantage, however this also causes the AI to run slower without actually hindering the players movement. This allows for a lot more combos to be made before the AI has a chance to react, drastically lowering the difficulty of every stage. You can see my testing live here (start at 1:47:30)

I found that for every 20 in-game seconds of PAL and NTSC time, an enemy will drop the same number of blocks, however PAL time is MUCH slower, resulting in a worse overall AI.

If you have any questions or problems with this, please let me know ASAP. If nobody has any issues, I'll begin moving PAL runs into their own category. Thanks!

スレッド: Puzzle Star Sweep
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us6 years ago

I've taken the time to write a distinct list of rules for each category since a lot of the runs differ in timing. Some runs have the name selection screen pop up, others don't, some are run on different versions of the game, some are run on emulator, etc.

In general, Every run is timed RTA (since some versions have very different in-game timers, most noticeably PAL), every run starts when the difficulty selection screen disappears (bonus mode starts when the background stops moving) and every run will end when either the name selection screen pops up or when the stardust begins to count up after defeating the last enemy.

Let me know if you have any questions/improvements!

スレッド: The Site
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us6 years ago

@ShikenNuggets Hello! It seems that both are active on speedruns still but not very active in Puzzle Star Sweep (which is understandable, it's a pretty dormant game at the moment). Neither have answered my forum posts (8 months old) and I've tried contacting on twitter as well (a few months ago) with no luck. The runs that I submit usually sit idle for 2 to 3 weeks before being approved, which seems silly for a 6 minute run. One of the mods did take the time to revamp the leaderboards, but that was 6 months ago, and when another runner pointed out a problem with the boards it was never fixed (https://www.speedrun.com/puzzle_star_sweep/thread/1eaab).

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us6 years ago

Good morning! I'd like to request mod status on Puzzle Star Sweep. I began running this game a year ago but have played it my entire childhood. I currently have WR in every category but find it difficult to upload in a timely fashion due to the mods being sparse. There are only 2 mods and one seems to be gone completely. NinjasInCarpets is a great guy but seems to only stop by sporadically. I've attempted to talk to him before about being a mod but got no reply. I also made a forum post about becoming a mod and got no reply from either mod. I am a full time streamer and have plenty of time to approve runs every day and I am well known on both Twitch and YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/death7unites7us). Please feel free to discord me with any questions: death_unites_us#6291

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: Dishonored
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us6 years ago

Awesome, thanks a bunch! Feel free to post here if anybody finds some more info on sisters in the future.

スレッド: Dishonored
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us6 years ago

Hey there!

So I'm currently running console and I'm not a 100% sure how sister luck works, I think it works the same as PC but I'm not sure. Either way, could somebody generously explain exactly how sister luck works on either PC or console? Specifically:

  • Can sister luck be setup? Can you reset until perfect luck is achieved then start a new game and recreate it?

  • If you lean through the wall to pick up a paper, are they always the same? Is there a certain paper I should grab? Is there a way to always make that paper complete the mission? What happens if there's a paper on the desk and only two in the wall?

  • What happens if you kill a sister (lets say black) and pick up the paper that says kill the sister in black but the mission doesn't end?

  • Is there a good backup if it doesn't work? What is the fastest strat in each scenario?

Thank you, any amount of info would help out a bunch!

スレッド: Puzzle Star Sweep
Ohio, USAdeath_unites_us7 years ago

Hey guys,

I recently uploaded two runs, an easy mode run and a normal mode run. My normal mode run was verified, but then my easy mode run was verified as a normal mode run and replaced my old one. It should be two separate ones, one on easy and one on normal. Not sure if I just accidentally labeled it incorrectly or if they got mixed up somehow.

I am more than willing to become a mod and fix this if needed. Thank you!

NoobKillerRoof これを好き
7 years ago
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Puzzle Star Sweep
Puzzle Star Sweep
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