bomber4042 years ago

Runs take a variety of times to verify. They have so many categories and they have their own lives so it takes a bit. When running a top game expect it to never get verified essentially, and then you will be really happy when it does. If you are worried about your run getting rejected and you don't know about it, you will get a notification telling you if your run was rejected so that is not the case. And to check on pending runs open up "View profile" right after you click your name and then there is a tab called "Pending actions" there it will show you the pending runs awaiting verification.

Zanum これを好き
bomber4043 years ago

@CommunismNeverDies you don't push blockentites you just look at it to do mapless

bomber4043 years ago

why do ppl make these dumb threads it obv not fake

bomber4043 years ago

So the thing about Mynski's run is that it was never declared fake and after a thorough investigation of myself, I have come to the conclusion that the run was indeed not cheated. The most common ways that runs are cheated is by splicing the loading screen so you get a set seed, or you use a mod of some sort to cheat. The mods never asked Mynski for world files and recordings so he never provided them. The only reason the mods didn't ask is because the run was unverifiable from the start due to the fact that he was literally unknown... he just appeared with a wr. The only reason it was rejected was due to that fact. Now lets say that he did have past attempts and past runs. The mods would have then proceeded with the investigation. I can say with 99% confidence that Mynski did not cheat. The run however was unverifiable so it is technically wr but not official. The bottom line is Mynski didn't cheat as far as my research goes.

bomber4043 years ago

Just because why not, she probably uses different instances all with different skins so its fun to just switch up every now and then

Edit: The names things is just a feature of MultiMC if you launch offline so different instances means different names if she selects "Launch Offline"

leto_saa そして Abhirup_0 これを好き
3 years ago
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Minecraft: Java Edition
Minecraft: Java Edition
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