スレッド: Temple Run 2
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

@Geparde Hi, when I recall correctly it was yesterday (but for Temple Run 1)? I looked at your run and the quality was definitely not enough to see the coin counter. I know youtube does some post-processing, therefore I waited like 10 more minutes but the quality didnt improve, I guess it took longer.

I'll look at it your run again if I find it - maybe you can send me the link?

For next time, please wait for youtube to process the video before you submit the run.

スレッド: Temple Run 2
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

Hi All

After 2 days, the poll has been closed. Unfortunately, not that many people participated, but the results still look quite conclusive:


Conclusion: There will be no changes and the current rules will stay in place.

supercrazestar これを好き
スレッド: Temple Run
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

@CCotagg @Kidsmm No Coins was added today :-)

LoboGamersao13 そして grnts これを好き
スレッド: Temple Run
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

@Mikaxu42 Sounds interesting! Couldn't find the video unfortunately, can you link it directly?

スレッド: Temple Run 2
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

Hi All,

PLEASE VOTE HERE: https://forms.gle/zTVhGPc6hZ412KXV7

As you might know, there is an ongoing discussion about whether the "drag down" bug (or swiping down rapidly) should be allowed or not, as it slows down the game significantly.

There are currently 4 options on how to proceed:

Option 1: Don't change the rules (use current 1000m / minute average rule)

Option 2: Update the 1000m / minute rule to make it more strict This means we would work some more on the current 1000m / minute rule to make it more strict, as currently it still leaves a lot of room to slow down the game significantly. For example: the 1000m / minute rule must be enforced for every minute, not only the average. (The current WR for example reaches 6000m already at 3:30, which would not be allowed). Ideally, this would scale and take into account that the game will run faster the more distance has been travelled (and not linearly 1000m per minute). An idea would be checkpoints (1000m under 1 minute, 2000m under 1:50, 3000m under 2:40, 4000m under 3:30 etc.)-

If this option is chosen, the Mod team will come up with a reasonable suggestion (you can write ideas in the form if you like).

Option 3: Disallow swiping down (to slide) completely (unless used for an sliding under an obstacle) This will effectively disallow using the bug or swiping down for slowing down the game completely. (We would allow for maybe an accidental down swipe every minute.)

Option 4: Disallow swiping completely + also disallow struggling (which also slows down game) Same as option 3, but also running over obstacles like this is forbidden (because it slows down the game):


Also here there would be a minimal amount of allowed obstacles, as it can happen by accident.

Voting will be open for at least 2 full days (possibly longer, depending on the amount of feedback).

Here is the link to the poll: https://forms.gle/zTVhGPc6hZ412KXV7

YOU MUST SIGN IN TO GOOGLE IN ORDER TO TAKE THE POLL. This is so we can limit 1 vote per person the best we can.

Jeansxz, Benicinnx, そして Fibonacci_1 これを好き
スレッド: Temple Run 2
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago


Hi All

As some of you have noticed, with the current top submissions there is a trend for slowing down the game, so it is becomes easier to play at later stages.

This can be done in several ways: With scripting, using an old version, modifying game files, the so-called "drag down bug" and to a certain degree also with input spamming. You can see this effect here on emulator, for example with a scripted down-swipe:

Without input, 1000m is reached in about 42 seconds, whereas with swipe spamming, it takes around a minute.

What will happen if we continue like this? If we do nothing now, we will end up in a competition for the slowest running game. This is a direction me and the Mod team do not see the No Coins category going, and generally not something that is worth having a leaderboard for.

Therefore the rules will be updated, effectively limiting the game speed that will be allowed to 1000m per minute on average. That means if you have a run of 8 minutes, you need to have at least covered a distance of 8000m, or your run will not be considered valid. This will set a limit for artificially slowed down games, but will still leave enough room for slowing down strats like stumbling or sliding done manually to a certain degree.

This is an important change and was not a lighthearted decision - it will affect 4 of the current Top 20 runs. But we think it is necessary to provide a fair, competitive and interesting leaderboard for the future. You can see the comparison of distances for all affected runs in this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wyrxe1Df24PLQHEE4OxKXt5QvjN3e-dobaZaaZMmjGc/edit?usp=sharing

All runs not satisfying the new rules will be removed from the leaderboard.

Additional rules as of now:

  • Your game has to run at reasonable speed: You need to pass at least 1000m every minute (on average) for all runs > 5 minutes. Runs not satisfying this will be rejected.
  • Scripts, auto-inputs or any inputs not done directly by hand are not allowed (both for emulator and real devices).
  • Only the latest version (currently 1.92.0) of the game is allowed.
raged7, tiagoromine そして 2 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Temple Run: Oz
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

There are other Temple Run games by Imangi, but not in the same style as Temple Run 1/2. For example:

You can check out https://imangistudios.com/ for more details.

WookiesLA420 これを好き
スレッド: Temple Run 2
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

Rule changes have been moved to a single forum thread: https://www.speedrun.com/temple_run_2/thread

Thiagogg これを好き
スレッド: Temple Run 2
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago


Hi all

To make sure we can provide a fair leaderboard, new rules will be introduced for Top 10 runs. This is a cautionary measure to avoid cheating and improve the trustworthiness of top runs overall.

New rules for Top 10 runs:

  • Must include audio
  • Must show start & end of run

The rules have been updated accordingly.

raged7 これを好き
スレッド: Temple Run 2
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

Hi all

To make sure we can provide a fair leaderboard, new rules will be introduced for Top 10 runs. This is a cautionary measure to avoid cheating and improve the trustworthiness of top runs overall.

New rules for Top 10 runs:

  • Must include audio
  • Must show start & end of run

The rules have been updated accordingly.

sportskid0809 そして supercrazestar これを好き
スレッド: Temple Run
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

It will be added, but not right now. We're currently flooded with runs over at Temple Run 2 and we have to find a way to deal with all the run submissions, they're piling up and it doesn't make sense to already open up here - nobody would be able to review them. As soon as we're set up with a Mod/Verifier team in a way that can somewhat deal with the amount of runs, we will open up a new category here.

LoboGamersao13, grnts そして 3 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Temple Run 2
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

Any map you like is fine!

Fzinn404 これを好き
スレッド: Temple Run 2
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

Hi all As there are a lot of incoming runs we are searching for new verifiers!

To become a verifier you need to know how to re-time runs with milliseconds. You don't know how to re-time yet but you still want to be a verifier? Don't worry! Inside the test there is a video tutorial on how to re-time runs.

If you feel you could help and want to learn (or already know) how to time runs, please do the timing test here: https://forms.gle/HCoNvK12JDLVM6hk9

If you answer correctly, we will contact you and add you to the team.

You can join the Discord server in any case here: https://discord.gg/DbXpeYyAaS

Thanks and maybe see you soon!

jackzfiml, raged7 そして 3 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Temple Run 2
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago


TLDR: Poki (web version of Temple Run 2) will NOT be allowed on the leaderboard.

As some of you have noticed, there are several Temple Run 2 versions on Poki. As some runners have started using them, we have investigated the ones available (Temple Run 2, Holi Festival, Frozen Shadows, Jungle Fall) to check if they are similar enough to the mobile versions, so they could be tracked on the same leaderboard.

However, while looking similar (and sharing visual assets effectively), these versions have been ported to the web (presumably using the Poki SDK) and are simplified, and not original Temple Run 2 versions like they are available on mobile.

For example, you can see the following differences:

  • There are no hard left/right turns at all, only straight paths
  • The tutorial can't be turned on/off explicitly, other menu choices
  • Full keyboard support / Left, right and middle lanes which are fixed
  • Missing revive and shop, different currency system, missing map choice etc.

The most important issue with these versions is the first one: They make the game much easier to run for "No Coins", as the upcoming path (and also the coins) are visible long beforehand. It therefore gives an unfair advantage to the offical mobile versions.

Also, these differences are not because an old version was ported. We have also checked against older version of Temple Run 2 on Android and were able to confirm that the matching theme versions (for example "Jungle Fall" / Nov 2020, or "Holi Festival" / March 2020) do not show the "No hard left/right turns" behaviour of the Poki web versions.

If you do not want to run on mobile, there are emulators available, for example for Android. Just make sure to follow the FPS limit according to the rules.

LordParoah そして Fibonacci_1 これを好き
スレッド: Temple Run 2
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

Hey Everyone!

We're happy to announce, together with the Subway Surfer community, the Subway Surfers x Temple Run 2 No Coin Tournament!

All information regarding the event listed on this web page here: https://speedrun-challenge.github.io/no-coins/

How do you register? In the link above, there is a registration form to be part of the event. After that, submit your no coin runs to each respective board. A team of verifiers will analyze each run before being placed onto the Tournament leaderboard. At the designated time and date (September 5th 02:59 UTC), submissions will be closed and prizes will be handed out accordingly

If you are interested in adding to the prize pool, follow the contact information linked on the web page, or contact me directly. Many thanks to @VyPr for the ideas and help.

Subway Surfers leaderboard: https://www.speedrun.com/subsurf Subway Surfers Discord: https://discord.gg/A3KjZ6zA

Current Prize Pool: $150

VyPr これを好き
スレッド: Kingdom Crusade
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

Enough of this, you've had enough time and space to say everything you wanted, I'm locking this thread.

スレッド: Kingdom Crusade
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

Not sure where you're reading anything about FPS being a rule when I only said verifying a run takes more than some seconds. You were pinging me constantly, impatiently about when your runs would be verified.

Your message before was "dude seriously i hard reset every run ya can see the damn counter", and I didnt see any counter on BGB (not that it would be required), so I asked where it is.

スレッド: Kingdom Crusade
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

Sure, you can stand by whatever opinion you have, whether thats fair or not is a different question. The only two runs I ever rejected from you were because you were using an emulator that is not allowed/accurate. And thats cleary stated in the rules.

I will verify your new runs as soon as I find the time.

FPS or splits is not a rule at all, I never said something like that. Maybe you misunderstood when we were talking about the hard reset.

スレッド: Kingdom Crusade
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

I understand that you are dissatisfied that you ran a game and then found out that your two runs didn't follow the board rules. If you didn't see or read the rules (which happened more than once now), it's not me to blame. Your behavior, especially what you sent me per DM is just unacceptable and I reported it to site staff.

To some points of your posts I will publicly reply here, to make it clear:

  • Your accusation of me changing rules: I didn't touch the rules in months, which can be proven via Audit Log. It even says in the screenshot above that emulator runs should include a hard reset, I didn't just "make up more rules". They were all there since January this year.

  • Emulator hard reset: As you said, it's not a hard rule - I already wrote you that I have to check if RNG can be manipulated when starting with a fixed title screen. If you check the other runs on Destruction category you see all of them contain at least the complete game startup, which your runs we were talking about didn't.

  • I also didn't reject any of your newer runs, contrary to what you're stating in your posts. As a Mod yourself you probably know that checking what exactly influences RNG is a task that takes time, especially when the runner refuses to provide the reset or game startup on video.

I would appreciate if you'd take a moment and realize what you're doing when you're publicly writing things like "Mod abuses power and wont approve your runs", like in your last posts. I am only trying to do my job as a Mod and my feeling is that you are not treating me very nicely. Also, I would appreciate it if you'd stop the condescending run descriptions.

スレッド: Kingdom Crusade
Switzerlandadrianus2 years ago

As discussed via DM, it is clearly stated in the rules that only certain emulators are allowed. You can find it in the general "Game rules" (not the "Category rules"), because it does apply to all categories:


(As a side note, name and version of emulators should also be stated in the run description.)

The rules have been in place since at least 2022-01-28, so more than half a year, you can check with SRC staff to confirm this if you want (Audit Log).

Bizhawk is inaccurate (up to 3.3% too fast in tests, even with Gambatte core) and so unfortunately not suitable for speedrunning. It says so in the linked page, with a clear "No" in the last column ("accurate for speedrunning"):


On that site, you can also find the raw frame data to double-check. I can also provide the recordings if you like.

So to your other question on what emulators are allowed, you can see that BGB and Gambatte are recommended, but others are also allowed.

I am sorry you wasted time but it doesn't make sense to allow inaccurate emulators on the leaderboard, especially when the rules have been in place for a long time.

To avoid situations like this in the future, I will add a hint in the Category rules to also have a look at the Game rules so it will not be overlooked.

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