Sorry I know I'm really late as I just started playing this game a few months ago. I guess nobody looks at this site anymore since I'm not getting replys.
Also I have no idea how to record a run to post it. I was told its a little more difficult to do on the switch
OK I'm new to speed running and axiom verge is the first game I've tried it with. My pb is 50:44 after a few months of work. Tonight I got to the final boss at 46 minutes with a few less health nodes than I usually do and got killed 4 times and blew the run. My question is how do you guys teleport up over over like your just floating under the spot you gotta hit. You guys hit it 4-5 times and kill athetos real fast. I've tried mashing the buttons but it won't work. I play on the switch but when its Porte's to the TV. Idk if I could fight him like you guys could teleporting over and over it would make life easier