Czech RepublicWafu6 months ago

@Satan_Gaming666 Yes, you're correct about that. This autosplitter is also very particular and it's not only load times when it's active and it would be extremely difficult to make it work the same for console and PC.

Satan_Gaming666 これを好き
Czech RepublicWafu6 months ago

I would like to remind you all that this feature exists:

You need to realize that mods work for free in their own free time. We don't get any compensation for verifying runs. Most communities try to make the boards as fair as possible, but we also have to take into the consideration that mods don't want to spend tens of hours verifying a 3 hour long run. Like imagine coming from a 9 to 5 job to realize you won't go to sleep because you still need to do some stuff and then verify, which will take you the whole night.

If the mods have to spend much more time verifying the run than the run actually took, it's very likely that's not gonna be the way to go. There are a few communities that do manual timing, but from what I've seen, the longest was like a 20 minute game.

If someone figures out how to inject console's memory so that we can use livesplit for it, that would be the way to go, but so far nobody's been working on that afaik.

Czech RepublicWafu6 months ago

We don't do any manual retimes. Unfortunately, console runners have to deal with a bit of a disadvantage. Retimes can take many hours to do accurately.

Czech RepublicWafu6 months ago

Hey, I see you're having a lot of problems with spellcasting, if you cap your FPS to 60 in those parts, spellcasting will work perfectly.

Czech RepublicWafu7 months ago

Hey, I ran and tested this game using PCSX2 and a regular FAT PS2, both PAL and NTSC. Although PCSX2 claims to be somewhat accurate (althought it cannot be compared to cycle accurate emulators or today's PS1 emulation), the game seemed to run significantly different. For example, clips are basically a completely different tech between PS2 and emulation.

Unfortunately, I'd say PCSX2 needs more data to confirm its accuracy.

Now I wouldn't necessarily be against PCSX2 for the racing mode as it's just driving, but I'd like to be very careful with how the game behaves. For Any% runs, I don't think that's gonna be possible.

I agree with using IGT, I'll bring it up on our Discord because I personally don't know why we didn't use IGT in the first place.

wortex これを好き
ラン: Arx Fatalis
Czech RepublicWafu8 months ago

I did message you on our Discord server about it. You refused to communicate about this. I've provided you everything in my power to ensure fair competition, I am sorry, but you did not listen.

スレッド: Hades 2
Czech RepublicWafu9 months ago

スレッド: Hades 2
Czech RepublicWafu9 months ago

As long as the game natively supports such options, it's usually allowed to submit runs with those settings, current rules don't specify any resolution requirements. If you're using an external tool or a mod to get these resolutions, that's obviously something to discuss with mods.

スレッド: Hades 2
Czech RepublicWafu9 months ago

@redinfact Any Heat is the most common category in the first game, not fresh file. This one has much more difficult fresh file run, so I don't think that's gonna be the most popular category.

スレッド: Hades 2
Czech RepublicWafu9 months ago

A lot of people seem to be running Aspect of Momus (staff) as you can spam non-omega special much faster than the attacks. Usually paired with Poseidon's special boon and other Poseidon's stuff and then ideally getting some extra damage from things like Zeus' Static Shock.

johhop, rasok そして 2 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Path of Exile
Czech RepublicWafu11 months ago

Also if you're running a game that heavily depends on servers (as in you can't play "offline"), those usually have issues with loadless timers. Most LiveSplit scripts directly access the game's memory to read whether the game is loading or not, therefore it's possible to be extremely accurate if someone finds the right things that qualify for load removal.

However, many games that rely on servers also have a protection against this and if the game finds out you're accessing its memory, it might get you banned in that game.

So in short, if the game is not playable offline, we have much less freedom with it and it's often the reason why such games use RTA.

ラン: Arx Fatalis
Czech RepublicWafu11 months ago

Manual IGT is only supposed to be done by the moderators. I will implement 1.2.1 load removal soon, please ask next time.

TJuggernaut これを好き
ラン: Arx Fatalis
Czech RepublicWafu1 year ago

You're right, the #2 run uses this as well and I simply forgot about it. However it is an edge case and if this community ever got bigger, people might not agree with that, so even if unlikely, keep in mind that there is a chance.

スレッド: Lust from Beyond
Czech RepublicWafu1 year ago

Oh, I see, I think it is checkpoint based unfortunately.

スレッド: Lust from Beyond
Czech RepublicWafu1 year ago

Hey, I've made an autosplitter for this some time ago and while it's available, the load time removed is not applied to the leaderboards. But you should be able to use it anyway.

Czech RepublicWafu1 year ago

"moderator does not accept the mileage from the player"

There is one run pending in Mafia. It's one day old. We got 2 new verifiers. Why do you keep saying that we ignored the community when we 1. verified his run before even knowing he made a forum post, 2. took precaution and added 2 new verifiers.

And you are not gonna threaten anyone here, what's wrong with you people? First there's a guy who's gonna use what I do with my body as an argument and then you're gonna threaten violence on @Pash_OK? This is not okay.

Please, stop bothering us with stuff we've already fixed, stop threatening our community members, stop insulting us, this is tiring.

Lubi, Th3_DEJV_ そして 5 その他 これを好き
Czech RepublicWafu1 year ago

Lubi, wocisjr そして 6 その他 これを好き
Czech RepublicWafu1 year ago

@PakLomak We literally got 2 more verifiers just so that we have it a bit easier - that definitely is part of solving the issue.

Also, you've mentioned that we were simply asked why verifications take so long. That is not the truth. We were literally asked why we just don't kick out people of the moderators team, that's quite a different and quite rude question. Besides, we did explain exactly why the verifications take too long - run length, too few mods and nobody else interested in modding (yes, he made a list of people who want to mod, but he just made that up, most of those people didn't have time, contrary to what he said), and finally, because we have our own lives, be it work or private life. It isn't an excuse just because you call it an excuse.

Please, stop spamming our forums, we've done the absolute maximum we can (and there's no unverified runs except one which is there for like 1 day). We handle community decisions on our Discord and there was much more done to solve the problems than you think and you'd definitely see that people do understand why verifications can take longer and that they're okay with it and understand it's just not easy to get more verifiers.

ST0RM_94, wocisjr そして 4 その他 これを好き
Czech RepublicWafu1 year ago
  1. If a moderator reserves a run to check and is slower than other moderator, the order will not be as submitted.

  2. The rules say 21 days (I mistakenly said 14) is the time mods generally have to verify runs - however, that is general, for longer runs it's understandable that they might take longer. Especially with newer runners where we have to be more careful. We didn't say "your race is being checked by another moderator", because that was not the question and most of us found the thread after it was verified, it was completely random, the verifier didn't even know about the complain and had it in progress at the time. No, nobody was being arrogant about it, we gave a reasonable and calm explanation.

  3. Because I can verify a 10 minute run in a bus on the way to work. I can't do the same thing with a 3 hours long run when I have 4 hours of free time daily. Longer runs require more time. We do watch those runs.

Chumoi, wocisjr そして 3 その他 これを好き
Czech RepublicWafu1 year ago

The length of runs was mentioned because of the time verifier needs to reserve time, not about whether it's legit or not. You need to understand that every community has a bit different approach to verification - and in our case, there was never an issue explaining why the verifications take longer and the only time when someone was actually upset about it was when someone who was supposed to check it literally forgot about the run. If we verify newer run before an older one, it's either because 1. the submission was earlier, 2. another moderator reserved it for checking, 3. it's an IL which doesn't require reserving time for, 4. mod watched the run on stream.

Look, we've always been open to getting more mods and we were always nice to our community. Read speedrun.com rules before being so invasive and toxic to us just because your friend got banned for being transphobic.

Again, we're trying hard to make a solution and you're not helping by being so negative about it. Locking the thread again. Please, stop spamming our community with issues that we know about.

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