On the RWIA leaderboard we want to go from having the "bot?" category from subcategory to just a regular non-obsoleting variable (so that if someone has a run with multiple bots their fastest run with each bot will be displayed) that is listed alongside the times.
When I unticked the subcategories variable none of the runs appeared on the leaderboard but still appeared on the profiles of the users who submitted them.
Is there a way to get the leaderboard to display runs how we want to?
That's definitely a cool achievement but without anyone else doing runs I think this thread will be sufficient for keeping track of the fastest times for this specific objective.
If they patch it out then I might finally get to make a legacy leaderboard :p
That's good to know. I've never used wsplit myself so when another moderator said that the timer was lagging on each split I had no idea that it was infact a feature of the software. The time has been corrected.
hamumu said that there will be little extras
in the classic rwx maps
LMAO fuck off spammers trying to get your advertisement clicks
The venue was awesome. Being in walking distance from just about everything and less than an hour drive away from literally everything else was so good.
The over estimate meme is alright if it happens a few times but it went too far this time to the point where the entire schedule was delayed by ~5 hours. In the future it's probably a good idea to make sure runners give higher estimates with more room for error or take other measures to keep NASA on schedule.
Risk legacy was super fun when it happened but getting people together to play a game was usually pretty tough.
Cutting down on the tasteless shitposting (i.e. the unfunny "jokes") both ironic and unironic in the tw*tch chat is something that I'd love to see. There were definitely times where seeing some of the stuff we let fly in there made me uncomfortable and it definitely detracted from my enjoyment of the event. There was definitely some actually funny shitposting that took place but it was like a pearl in a mountain of poo.
I have made a python script that allows me to control an atari 2600 with nearly any usb controller by using a raspberry pi to convert the usb signals into something the atari can understand using GPIO pins. The source code is here: https://github.com/Metruption/Atarialtctrl/ Are runs using this controller scheme legal on this leaderboard?
https://www.speedrun.com/2007scape/Inferno Inferno has been an IL (individual level) for some time now
I've never played risk legacy but I'm down to learn
Still +1 after tolarus
Still +1 after tolarus most likely
Sylvaned is no longer able to attend, my room looking for one more (preferably someone who likes anime)
Do the runs and if grampaglasses in an inactive mod we can email the site admins and takeover the lbs. Also, join the RWX speedrunning discord serer!
y'all two can room w/ me, read my first reply and lmk if there's an issue with that
I live in the philly area and am willing to carpool with others. Also because I don't have (and won't get) a credit/debit card I'd like to arrange to pay for a hotel room in cash. If anyone needs more ppl to fill a room please contact me in a reasonable way and we can figure something out