Reply below if you'd like to be a moderator for this game (account must be at least 6 months old). Taking the next couple of people who reply.
I'm too busy with school to mod 💀
go on this site and input roblox_wkpg to see all the runs backlogged from a year ago 💀
- Have a sub 24 nmg time.
I guess my 1 hour PB won't suffice FeelsBadMan
The issues we, as a community, are facing with IVTROY in full power:
Our runs being rejected on the basis that milliseconds have been incorrectly inputted during submission
Our runs being rejected on the basis that the time of our run was inputting into the wrong section ("Time" Vs. "In-game time")
You're probably wondering why this happens and why can't these errors be easily corrected. Well, time and time again, we get the same answer by the moderator that it is too much of a hassle for him to do so, and therefore, rejecting is the easiest option.
Our runs being rejected because they do not meet the current moderator's expectations as to the skill-level players require when performing a run
- I submitted this run: and got the following response from the moderator:
Updates to the leaderboards such as due to an update to the game, roblox physics, or category disputes take a considerable amount of time.
- For example, I requested a change to the Full-game leaderboards via DMs on May 29 (regarding the new Ring Rush feature). Finally, a few days ago (nearly A MONTH later) and after several reminders was a change made to allow my run. Mind you, this is not a major update and not many people run full-game categories. So, in no instance was his delay justifiable.
Overall laziness. -As with the previous example about Ring Rush, the current moderator has failed to properly implement the update. Runs which use the old method of conducting the run (manually entering each tower one by one) still exist and those few which were removed were not archived and saved, but rather flat out rejected and removed.
You're also probably wondering whether these issues could be easily solved if more mods were available. And this leads me to our biggest issue. The current moderator refuses to accept any assistance when it is obvious he is incapable of taking on full responsibility by himself.
IVTROY, I request you give me, TheBronzeSword, and Megakirby super moderator for the better of the community.
- Other mods would allow the community to get necessary changes and edits made to the boards when the game is updated / certain parts to towers are nerfed/buffed / roblox physics update (because, right now, this process is long tedious)
IVTROY rejects them on purpose for that sole reason.
- CoLS glitches. patched corner clip into the yellow mini tower
decline. speedruns should have strict rules, especially for where your character has to be when time starts/ends.
i would also recommend putting some sort of indication (like a different colour) on the brick that marks the beginning for each floor (especially considering you have ILs for each level)
if you're able to handle managing it on top of modding the game, then i think you should
i was practicing all normal rooms runs (excluding near,rodc) over the summer
- being active within this community (having lots of runs done/ active in general within the Tower community)
- having commitment towards this game (we dont want you going inactive a few months after becoming mod. you should be fulfilling your mod-responsibilities for at least a year, ideally)
- DMing @Megakirbs and seeing if he needs any assistance moderating the game
you should also, ideally, already have speedrunning experience (i.e. having been mod for a previous game and knowing how the page-editing/verification process works, timing of runs to the frame), but i suppose this isn't necessary because you can always learn and we all start somewhere
i wasn't saying to keep the name of the game the same
i said how its as if all those runs that had time and effort spent towards them were just gone from the site just like that without any recognition