I've added the following categories:
Any% No Shortcuts = Same as Any% except not using the in-game shortcuts the game provides.
Any% No Cash Glitch = Same as Any%, Shortcuts are allowed, and Cash Glitch is Banned.
Response to user: @saber1119
Emulators: I'm not as active on TGO, however, I do check in once in a while to see if anybody has posted any new runs on the leaderboards, or any new messages on the forum page. I will say, for now, Console runs are the only accepted form of run attempts on this game as of now. I haven't checked on any emulator that makes the game run well or not well, and the same thing goes for 1964.
Other game rules: No other rules are specified as of this time. For now, runners are expected to run Any% or the equivalent fastest known route for now. If more runners approach and feel the need that I may need to include more categories, then I will do so.
End Message Note: Hopefully, this makes sense, if you need anything clarified further, please ask, and I will try to answer them the best I can! Or, if I can't seem to get the right answer for you, make sure to join the main discord server located here: https://discord.gg/VZhqeUz and maybe someone can explain better :)
Thanks, Technickle
Instead of mashing through text with the bad guys at the beginning, you can press Start which saves around 29 to 30 seconds.
Not sure if it was known about already, but, I'll post about it here anyway.
Frame Info: *the game allows input for an A press every 2 frames after it is done lagging to set up the next session, so I take advantage of that.
*Every 22 frames is the setup for the correct throw position
*Every 54 frames is the setup for the correct speed control
Doing this allows a perfect game every time.
Leaderboard is up and ready for runners to submit.
Leaderboard added @ 7:30 PM EST December 23rd 2019
Mod Forum post by - Technickle [Admin of Discord server]
They were Misc categories, but, it wasn't the mainstream focus for runners, so I got rid of them. The main focus is 100% or USA%. If you would like to find out more and talk with us about Top Gear 2, Please join the discord if you haven't already! :)
Discord: https://discord.gg/VZhqeUz
My Twitter for questions: https://twitter.com/Technickle_
Replying to this 5 centuries later ...
I think the best way to do Individual Level attempts is to create a savestate based around the money given for that particular country.
Also noted, that I think it's best to time I'L's as IGT instead of RTA since the external timer would be inaccurate, and anything that the game processes at end of runs for the Race Results screen are the most accurate way of telling what time you have gotten since the IGT can sometimes be 1 millisecond off from what it actually processes when you finish a race.
If you have any comments or concerns, please contact our main offices over at https://discord.gg/VZhqeUz
We are open from Sunrise till 11:59:59 EST
I believe a timer is always helpful, and having a timer be displayed should be a requirement.
I can help moderate and do frame by frame for runs, if you need the help
Yeah like all 32 & 48 Tracks in one go, but with Time Trials :D
I meant like to have a speed run section of MK8 Time Trials on here as well would be pretty cool
I was thinking that adding a Time Trial's category to Miscellaneous would be a cool thing. This category can be done with 32 & 48 tracks. This can also be a good category for people that want to run the game but also want to improve as well. This is just a thought that came to my head since I did a run of it earlier today 9 -12 -16
Can I get my name changed on here to just "Nick"
~ Thnx :D