I saw that PP got updated and I goofed around while checking what was different. I was running around the 'Make-a-Toy' room when I run into something in the left top corner and got launched into the air in such a way that if I was ready for it, I would have been able to land on the part of the cat walk with the 2 energy pillars. I briefly compared it with the WR run and I summed the possible time save to around 4 second minimum. I was not recording so I have absolutely no proof, nor do I know how to exactly do it, nor do I know if this is already known in this community, nor do I know if this is a 'New Patch' only thing or whether it's also possible on the old one. I just wanted to report on the fact that it exists so that maybe people do some testing about it.
If your language is not one of the languages this leaderboard can be read in you can volunteer to send your translation so your language gets represented. This is a space for you to volunteer :>.
I have just clicked on it the moment it created, should I help to get this leaderboard going Egor?
Is there a was to get this game currently with it being deleted off steam?
I have the DVD version of bad piggies and it only has Ground hog day, when pigs fly and sandbox. Would it be possible for me to speedrun IL?
I mean why not. The communication about some of the confusing rules would also be very quickly solved.
I think you should add the boss section and the shard collecting section in extra for monkey business because in theory now they are sepetare and should have their own categories
I know it's only 1-3 and 1-5 because that's the chapters but I think then you should also add 1-2 and 1-4 and for chapter 4 instead of just 1-8 also maybe 1-6 and 1-7