スレッド: DOOM Eternal
United StatesSpirits4 years ago


スレッド: DOOM Eternal
United StatesSpirits4 years ago

Also, for the record, you can filter by platform in the leaderboards. So if you're really curious, you can do it yourself. If this guy was first place on console I'd understand his argument, but he's dead last in all categories, so I'm genuinely confused about why he's so worked up about this.

crelmtoothpaste これを好き
スレッド: DOOM Eternal
United StatesSpirits4 years ago

@THiEF_HD209 I've always looked at it like this. If you wanna play a switch game, and you don't have a switch, you don't whine about it on Nintendo forums saying that Animal Crossing should be more accessible on other consoles, you save up for a switch. Now if you want to speedrun a game LIKE a PC player, and you want to have the same advantages as a PC player, and you want to be able to COMPETE with PC players, you save up for a PC

I'm NOT saying don't speedrun on console, I think console speedruns are super impressive. I love watching them, because it's cool to see people with less resources than PC, less people sharing strats than PC, making it work. I think that's super cool, and in many ways, MORE impressive than PC speedruns. But we're not talking about that, we're talking about this guy lying about being a different person and whining about not having the same advantages as a PC player. So yeah, I kind of really agree with @BurlesqueEsque, if what he really wants is to speedrun a game on an equal playing field, he's gonna have to save up for a PC. Plain and simple.

Now, about the point itself of making a console PC split leaderboard: If he was honest with us, and started out by saying "I said this in the discord, I was rude and disrespectful, I was told no, but I want a second chance to start over and just get some new opinions on this", I would've talked about it with the fellow mods. Our answer possibly could've been no because that's what was decided by the mod team previously, but there was a better chance. He threw that chance right out the window when he started this off with a blatant lie.

Teedre そして Cearadeth これを好き
スレッド: DOOM Eternal
United StatesSpirits4 years ago

If you want these to be leaderboard viable, here's what you'll need to do:

  • Clip out each individual level

  • Upload each of those clips to the Level Leaderboard under the Category "No Major Glitches" and under the "Cheat Codes" Sub Category.

  • Add an on-screen timer for each individual level. Timer starts on gaining player control, and ends upon losing it at the end of the level. This step is not required, but will bump your wait time up from a couple weeks to a couple days, so it's in your best interest to do it.

  • Wait for verification.

Hope this helps! And join the Discord if you have any further questions!

peck324 これを好き
スレッド: DOOM Eternal
United StatesSpirits4 years ago

That's really awesome! Be sure to post this in our discord for everyone to see. Link on the left side of this page, underneath leaderboard and guides! Thanks for your discovery

スレッド: DOOM Eternal
United StatesSpirits4 years ago

Hello! We appreciate the fact that you went out of your way to record your findings and are currently trying to send them to us.

If you want them to reach us more effectively, you'll find a tab labelled "Discord" on the left side of this page, underneath the big picture of Doom Eternal's box art and below leaderboard and guides.

Please consider joining there and posting your findings in the correct chat (#de_speedtech_clips). It also helps us out because it doesn't clog up the forums from people who need help or have questions. On top of that, maybe the thing you discovered has already been known for a while, and you wouldn't know without seeing some of the other clips people have found.

We'd love for you to stop by, thank you for your patience and cooperation

スレッド: DOOM Eternal
United StatesSpirits4 years ago

There will be many categories to pick from! 100%, All Collectibles, Any%, to answer your question Lukol97 there will be IL (Individual Level) leaderboards. I'm positive some people will run Ultra Nightmare.

bing そして Lukol97 これを好き
スレッド: DOOM Eternal
United StatesSpirits4 years ago

You're so happy in the clip I feel like a bad guy saying the speedrun never reaches this section. Even the All Collectibles skips this section. But keep glitch hunting, I like your attitude!

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