
For some of those not caught up with this change, here is a quick update.

New Maps: Haunted Mansion and Backrooms have now been added into the game.

Facility_0: Though it may be a slow process, all Facility_0 Runs (excluding VIP) are being moved to the Old Categories Runs. As of this time I'm posting this comment, 4P Survivor% and Beast% have been moved. (Disclaimer: There are now two new categories for it, one for original and another for the update)

Abandoned Prison: We are now in progress for Abandoned Prison runs too. Thank you for your patience and we will get these verified as soon as we can. @SpeedGlitchedTrevor

I always wondered why there isn't one for these two? I'm the only one who has done it (as far as I can see) and doesn't make sense on why this decision hasn't been added (aside of the Normal Difficulty). Below will show the idea (for Wave Ocean, I do also have a White Acropolis Run coming tomorrow)

tripl3ag3nt これを好き

Edit: This Project has been cancelled

It has been a month, with two weeks and two days, and I barely have any Voice Overs prepared for this big project. Though at least 4 people have accepted it, 2 of them have been unresponsive for over that past month. Though with the other two, so far I found one but the other... Not trying to be mean and all, but it just doesn't fit the characters and I don't want her to be filled guilty about it. (I will still credit her though when it comes out for her attempts)

Either way, because of this, I have no choice but to extend the End Date of Voice Acting needed to be unknown. I'm just shortstaffed over here, and I feel like I need a new Forum for this instead of posting it on the current one.

If you like to talk about Voice Overing any character I have planned, DM me on here or Discord. (Or make a comment for me on Youtube, I guess)

If you know ANYONE who is interested in lending their voice (Being their choice WITHOUT forcing them), have them DM me.

For more information about the need of "Voice Acting Wanted" for this video, here it the link to the first time I announced it. (https://www.speedrun.com/roblox_ftf/thread/9n8to)

  • Sincerely, @SpeedGlitchedTrevor

Edit: This Project has been cancelled.

For anyone who doesn't know, I am working on a FTF Speedrun History, planned for next year, and so far I've gotten 5 parts done as of this time (Maybe about 2 Paragraphs extra for Section 6)

But for the next few parts of it, I need some Voice Actors. The reason why Voice Acting is needed is because some Forums and such are deleted/lost in history.

Obviously, you get credited in the Video with a channel link. (At least a Youtube Channel) I can't promise there will be Early Access due to people can go behind my back and send it to people to whomever without me knowing and without my permission. (Basically a backstab coming around you)

If you like to talk about this more, since I know this Forum will get messy soon, please let me know on either Discord or DM me on Speedrun.com. There are at least 7 Voice Actors Available and will be updated if they are taken.

ChaosNuggets Spicymrcee SpriteXaos CorruptCow Elims A Special Character (Secret until the video's release)

The following for this section is Not Avavible under this sentence.

Otterstone SlendermanPowerman/Rage (At least I hope so) Vangtanky (This one is just a no go for anyone)

Edit: This Project has been cancelled

For anyone who hasn't seen the premiere, I plan to make a Flee the Facility Speedrun History for next year. Meaning, I'm gonna need a lot from this site. (Like what Sprite did to add more Moderators for example) I plan to release it in 2022, but I don't know if I should release it when the game released or when this Speedrun Board released. Whichever it is, both sites will be 5 Years Old. So I want to make something special for it. (Even if I have some situations that will keep me behind, I will still try to get this working)

bonzkor, ultramonkey33, そして Kaotiqx これを好き

I'm just curious what glitches and Speedrun tricks were patched out from this game. All I know is the BLJ is not possible.

It's been a while since I lasted visited this Speedrun.com of the Halo Series, the time before each of the games got they're own categories. And now, when I recently return to check out what's change, I've noticed that the Halo Co-Op Mode Speedruns are gone. So if it got deleted, why did you all decide to do it? I'm seeing no Forums of why this action was taken.

Always just wondering, even though it's not in all the games after Gen 3, why do most of the Speedrunners choose the girl instead of the boy? I'm just curious of finding out why. But on some games they just choose the Boy.

Example: Let's go Pikachu/Eevee = Boy vs Sword/Shield = Girl

I think it save some seconds if the players choose the boy and not the girl, but prove me wrong of why that's not the case for some of the games.

Found in the "Old Beast" Run from "Jack_Hase". Should this be verified to the leaderboards or stay in Old Beast Boards? [I'm gonna be honest, seeing this run makes no sense of why it would be verified, so I'm guessing it's gonna stay where it's at (It's worth asking though)]

Nothing much to say here, all I did was change the rules on the Old Beast/Public runs, which lack video evidence, so that no one would accidentally use them... Yeah that's basically it. Why did I do this? Well, we have no use for it. Soooo... yeah.

During this past year, I've tried 3 games in a row hoping to get some sort of notification. All I got was no notification, having to post things to tell me where the heck are the messages. I think if the runs do get rejected, or not, should let us know in your Direct Message page so that way we know we don't have to try like 10 times getting it notified, by 2021.

Is it me or did this sentence make no sense? XD

Trash これを好き

Round 1. The Schoolhouse = Failed (Due to being it PVP Based) Round 2. FNAF: Support Requested = Failed (Due to being boring, I get it but it makes no sense) Round 3. Oh gosh, I don't even know what to expect. I just submitted it too, so I'm just gonna hope for the best.

I'd say timing starts when clicking "Enter Level" and timing ends upon the frame of the words "Next Level" and "Return to Hub" appear on Screen in "Final Zone". As you can see in the video, there are numerous skips for this game.

(The biggest one I'd say would be "Resort Island" Skip, which you might tell what it is based on the name)

It's also a platforming game, which makes things fun.

I also might have at least, besides this one, 2-3 more category ideas IF this makes it. This run shows a "No Metal Noob Boss". Which, when entered, loads you to a different server just for this game. Since this would cost time, and I didn't want that kind of load for this post, I decided to go for this run instead. (If this one doesn't make it, I don't even know what will anymore)

It's the same forum as the last one, link here: https://www.speedrun.com/roblox/thread/nhgq6

I'm guessing the first one got rejected. So if it happens again, the question is, why?

FNAF: Support Requested has 1 player as the Animatronics are computer programmed. There are FNAF speedruns, not related to Roblox, on the Speedrun.com site, so I don't get how this run would be rejected by any means.

If you noticing, for moderators, you probably are seeing tons of runs of me doing Sewer Scrapes Time Trials. My computer is having a tough time manipulating this problem and so load errors are occurring. This isn't the first time it happened, as I'm trying to delete them, all except for 1 to verify. I'm probably not the only who's getting this screen of "Sorry, this site is handling a lot of pressure". I think saying that, you probably understand what I mean as I am trying my best to deal with this problem everytime.

This is gonna be complicated to explain, but I'll try the best I can to make it a lot of sense. When starting the boss of Robot Storm/Carnival, can you reset during a run/before the run starts as when the level loads, the times is wasted to about 5 seconds. However, pressing the reset button will deduct. So if this makes any sense to you, is this allowed? (If so, would it be Checkpoint Segmenting or not?)

So I just submitted a DIFFERENT run, not The Schoolhouse, and it's been a month since I submitted the 1st one. (I guess I'll be doing this everytime on the 2nd try, huh?) This time, I'm trying to submit "FNAF: Support Requested". There are no other players, as it's a 1 player server, but does have a Multiplayer feature to the right of the main board, as the Animatronics are computer programmed. There are FNAF speedruns, not related to Roblox, on the Speedrun.com site, so I don't get how this run would be rejected by any means. (The video below shows a speedrun of 4 nights in this game)

Timing Starts upon clicking the button, to start the game, and time ends upon the clock reaching 6AM. (I mean, it's that simple :P)

As it saids in the Title, I'm wondering if it's allowed to be used. The only difference I can find is that the Book isn't in the game, if you get what I mean, which probably skips maybe 1-2 seconds. I'm just wanna know if it's allowed before I start speedrunning this game.

I know it's not allowed to take out the Sonic 3 out of the Sonic and Knuckles Cartridge, or use Sonic 3 and Knuckles on Collection Games, but is it allowed to have them separate, if that makes sense, for only level runs? Example: Playing as Knuckles in Mushroom Hill Zone in Sonic and Knuckles without the Lock-On Ability.

(This is mostly a question for tfresh2000 as this is also related to Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, just saying) As it saids in the title, is backwards compatibility allowed, well it probably is, but does it count as emulator or console? (The same thing goes for Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, as it's both on Xbox and X360, so if I play the Xbox version on the X360 Backwards Compatible, does it count as just the Xbox Version?) I just wanna know before coming back to speedrunning the levels soon.

WiiSuper これを好き
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