California, USASoulcloset7 years ago

I made a Discord server for ROBLOX speedrunners, namely for our little community here. If you'd like to join, here's the link: https://discord.gg/X4NvyV3

Update: there really isn't any reason for anyone to post in this forum. If you want to make something know about the game or ask about it, please do so in this server.

kaarv, cubemadmaxYT そして 9 その他 これを好き
California, USASoulcloset7 years ago

Found this while streaming today, only works since the update to the movement/geometry. Saves 1-2 seconds from my testing.

California, USASoulcloset7 years ago

It's a bit childish and unprofessional to call a black and white level "Racist World", for example. Changing the levels to be all numbered.

coolestto そして HolySanctum これを好き
California, USASoulcloset7 years ago

Now that multiple standards for VR exist, should there be markers on this site for them as "platforms"? Obviously, PSVR, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and any other add-on VR systems aren't consoles of their own, but it could help section off VR games to be found more easily.

Joeeigel これを好き
California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

When you do the part in the boss's office (whether doing Skip or No Skip), you usually have to open the drawer to get the key for the cabinet, so you can open it and hit the boss with the knob.

Not anymore! I've found that you can jump right through the side of the cabinet, and grab the knob from the inside. As long as you position yourself so that you can turn around and hit the boss without moving, you can skip the key entirely, hence the "Boss Key Skip".

This run showcases this skip:

PsychoWren そして unkownspeedrunner これを好き
California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

I tried to fix a type in my run's description, and it got unverified again. It's the same run, just the word "girl" is spelled correctly. Sorry =(

unkownspeedrunner これを好き
California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

I have Livesplit, but I've never used one before. How do I set it up?

California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

This is for the VR version of this game. This is NOT the same as the regular PC and Xbox One version, for that, go to http://speedrun.com/SUPERHOT .


If you ARE running the Oculus Rift/Touch game, this is the place for you! User Bean is the moderator who owns this game and the equipment, so any run-related or Oculus-related questions can go to them!

This is a discussion thread, any questions about the moderation of the page or the future of this game's speedrunning community can go here =)

California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

SUPERHOT VR has been released, and it's a very different game from the regular SUPERHOT. As this is the case, it will be getting its own Speedrun.com page for runs of it (thoguh I cannot vouch for categories or the experience, as I do not own an Oculus Rift or Touch. I will submit the page to be created, and if you own the game and hardware and would like to moderate it, let me know in this thread.

enbee これを好き
California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

Skips and tricks can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Azn5OwPjK2YiDJdpQgU1CajHVePgdjjpSIqj3LPv7kI/edit?usp=drive_web

If you have any trouble with them, or find any new ones, then this thread is the place to talk about it.

AntBlueR これを好き
California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

If you're here, you're probably interested in speedruns of this game.

Doing them is pretty easy - just use VisualBoyAdvance or a physical cartridge in a GBA, DS/Lite, or Game Boy Player. Every run requires a video, so make sure you have a way to capture your runs.

As far as strats, this game is all about knowing what to do next without the game's dialogue, and having a feel for the movement. My suggestion (as current WR holder) is to play the game casually and learn the various mechanics, then try to go fast without a timer. After doing so 1 or 2 times, you're ready to start doing worthwhile runs. (This is just a suggestion! Feel free to submit any runs, no matter what the final time.)

Got any questions about this forum, page, or the game? Feel free to ask here, or make a new thread in our forums.

AntBlueR これを好き
California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

Speedrun.com has an option for sorting in reverse, with longest time winning. There's no reason /not/ to have an Endless Mode category; is anyone opposed?

California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

So I went in and added Ellieceraptor as a mod for this game's page/forums/everything. That was all great, nothing wrong there. I did, however, accidentally click the Super Mod checkbox on Vytheros, and as I am not a Full Mod of the site, I couldn't undo it once it was checked. This is nothing inherently bad, as Vytheros is someone who I trust and who cares about this game's success in speedrunning, but it just wasn't something I intended to do.

So hey, new mod, congratulations! (And Vytheros, don't remove anything xD)

California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

If we keep whittling away at Any% until it's close enough to optimal (the unachievable goal that that always is), do you guys think we'd ever make it in to a big marathon? AGDQ, SGDQ, and ESA get tons of viewers, and it'd be cool to get out best runners out there to show the world how cool SUPERHOT can be. Plus, we have more than one or two top-level runners, and as more people get serious about it, that should grow. A lot of you guys are entertaining to watch (from watching your runs), so it's a possibility!

Brummen そして Clayb0y これを好き
California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

Congrats to Kura and Vytheros, and I'm really glad I don't have to verify /everything/ now xD

Kura これを好き
California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

This video showcases how to find MP4 files of Killstagram replays. They're still not accepted currently, but if you wanna upload to youTube for sharing with friends, this will give you a flawless recording from the game itself.

ArriEllie これを好き
California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

As per a recent conversation with user Gyoo, we came to the conclusion that we are not going to accept IL times through Killstagram until it is established as a more stable platform for video and replay sharing. Sorry if I have to reject your times because of this. =(

Previously accepted runs will remain, as they were not performed under this condition. (Lookin' at you, Kirito xD)

California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

As would be expected with a built-in service, a lot of people are using Killstagram. It doesn't show the time at the end of its videos, but if recorded, it would not be hard to find exactly how long the runs are. Should we allow recorded Killstagram runs for ILs?

California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

I'm getting spammed in my email a lot by you guys being so active with this game, to the point where I realized Ed I was just verifying them without watching. Would you guys object to an auto verify system? The thread for reporting cheaters or mistimed runs would be grounds for un-verification, and otherwise everyone would be good.

California, USASoulcloset8 years ago

Got an issue with the way this goes page is run? Suggestions for clarity in the records? Catch someone getting verified even though they timed wrong or broke the rules?

You be the police! Let me know in this thread and I'll get on it ASAP. Don't spam, though, keep it tidy.

Havi これを好き
Californian Barbie speedrunner. Join the Barbie speedrunning Discord w/ link on the series page <3
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