スレッド: Cat Mario
EnglandSlushPuppy3 years ago

you need to have videos of your runs for them to be accepted btw especially if they're runs that are literally faster than the fastest possible time

Tutty, Frotopia, そして f1 これを好き
スレッド: Cat Mario
EnglandSlushPuppy3 years ago


スレッド: Cat Mario
EnglandSlushPuppy4 years ago

Just updated my post with the rest of the top 8, as well as the two mods for some bonus info. Until someone gets a new top 8 PB, my work is done here for now!

Cheiral そして f1 これを好き
スレッド: Cat Mario
EnglandSlushPuppy4 years ago

For a while, I've been retiming each segment of the best Warpless No OoB runs, to compare how long each runner spends on each split. Each time the lives screen appears when entering a new area, I count that as a split, and the run starts and ends on the same frame as it would do in normal retiming. https://i.imgur.com/BTWlIPx.png

The best times have been pulled from a mix of my spliced Warpless run, my L4 WR, and Troyish's L6, to conveniently make a sum of best of 3:06 exactly. A green cell means that split is the fastest out of everyone else's full game PBs, and a deeper red shows how behind the runner's split is compared to everyone else's. For the most part, the greens are closer to the top, and there are deeper reds towards the bottom.

A couple anomalies here would be KesN - his level 1 is the 2nd best, and his level 2.2 and 4.1 are much faster than everyone around him, but because he loses over 5 seconds in level 3, he is only 10th (excluding Fro, who deleted his runs) while improving just his level 3 is enough to get him into top 6. EDIT: this isn't true anymore because idkjake just got a top 3 run a couple minutes ago, but I'll keep it here regardless.

Here are some pie charts (and analysis) of where each top 8 runner is losing time compared to a perfect 3:06.00:

1st: @SlushPuppy https://i.imgur.com/akxBeKc.png There isn't very much to say here, because I already do all of the strategies which are done in the SoB. Interestingly, my biggest time losses are in 2.3, due to bonking while trying to get to the flagpole, and levels 1 and 5, because of suboptimal acceleration boosts. This definitely shows that, at the top level, bonking will cost a huge amount of time, and acceleration boosts will make a big difference to your final time.

2nd: @Siver https://i.imgur.com/YhdEMXx.png Siver loses a little bit of time in every split, but his main demons were level 1 and level 2. In level 1 he most likely lost time because of a bad acceleration boost (though solid accel boosts in 5 and 6 mostly make up for this). In level 2.2, his time losses are from slowing down to make the first section (going under the ? blocks) easier and a small bonk after getting past the ? orb. Then, in 2.3 he bonks on the staircase and the block under the flagpole, costing a whole 0.833 seconds. That level really isn't forgiving...

3rd: @idkjake https://i.imgur.com/ZI2ZCYz.png I believe this runner does every trick except for acceleration boosts, explaining why almost half of his time is lost in L1, L5, and L6. The rest of his time losses are a bonk on the stairs of 2.3, and a couple small time losses all around, which will certainly go down over time as his movement improves even more.

4th: @IcySkid https://i.imgur.com/DuGYBVk.png Level 2 is clearly Icy's strong suit - she's only about 0.5 seconds away from an SoB-level L2. Her main downfalls are a bonk near the end of 4.1 and a nonoptimal acceleration boost + a bonk in level 5. She's doing every advanced technique perfectly, so all she needs to improve further is better movement. This is about what I expected going into it - as she's a newer runner, she's put practice into the hard techniques, but hasn't (yet) gotten the movement that newer players have.

5th: @xXGaming_FroXx https://i.imgur.com/4DogdBG.png This run was never officially submitted (and the rest of his runs were deleted) but his PB can be found here: He does every advanced technique except for the fast L3 ending where you jump between the shell and the flagpole so you can touch the flagpole faster without dying, which explains a quarter of his time losses. The rest of his time losses are just down to unpolished movement, especially in level 1 where he is over a second behind the WR. This is more evidence that the new-school runners are better at the advanced techniques, but haven't had the time to develop their movement yet.

6th: @okot / @Tokonata https://i.imgur.com/Djs5ICu.png Here is the oldest run on the list so far. The run was done back when we didn't know much about acceleration boosting, so despite doing well on levels 1, 5, and 6, he could have been a combined 2 seconds faster by perfecting those levels with acceleration boosts. His level 2 is really good, as he did every advanced technique in that level, but almost half of his time losses came from L3 and L4.1. His L3 didn't do the shell jump at the end of L3, and slowed down a lot in several places, especially at the start where he hit the ? block then kept going, so he had to turn left THEN turn right to start moving again. In L4.1, he does 2nd firebar skip much later than he could have. He also tended to slow down in the harder parts of that level, like after the first firebar skip where you have to jump right without hitting the hidden block. Some of the time loss likely would have came from not doing fast pipe too - it was discovered after this run that falling into the pipe instead of entering it while you're already on top of it was a little faster.

7th: @SirTroyish https://i.imgur.com/Tt1yx9l.png Since Troy is an Any% runner, it's no surprise that his acceleration boosts are really good (as you can tell from his level 6 - I've never seen a level 6 faster than his). Other than a bonk in 2.3 (which a lot of runners get messed up by constantly), his only notable time losses are in L3 and L4. In level 3, he loses most of his time from holding back too much (and also not having shell jump). I'd guess that he's less confident with level 3 because he hasn't done as much warpless compared to any%. His level 4 is mostly fine, there were just two small mistakes in execution: he messed up his lion jump and missed fast flag. I think all he would need to be at around 3:10 is work on his level 3 then get a lucky run where he nails everything.

8th: @Merlyn https://i.imgur.com/zS4qAXN.png Most of these splits are really solid, even the tougher levels like 3 and 4.1, but there are 3 that stand out as having potential for time saves, and all 3 have a similar cause. L2.3 had a staircase bonk and missed fast flag, L4.2 had another staircase bonk and another missed fast flag, and the bulk of the time loss was in L5, where there was a slow flag (this is when you miss fast flag and instead of travelling faster than normal, you travel slower than normal.) His movement all around is great, so I think he's 100% got potential to be sub-3:10 very soon even though he's 8th.

BONUS: @f1 https://i.imgur.com/JfJvMIc.png f1's run is very interesting, because it was done back in early 2016. This was before a lot of the major time saves were discovered. This means around 5-6 seconds are lost due to no fast flag alone, and it's the reason his L1 is notably slower than the top 8 runners. If you ignore time losses from not having fast flag, a lot of his splits are actually really good, with the only big losses being a lack of any of the advanced techniques used in L3 and L4 by people who have run the game more recently.

BONUS: @Gohgo https://i.imgur.com/TAkDs2x.png Since this is a 3:52, the results are going to be very different here. Half of his time loss is in L3, and there's an obvious reason why: there's a death at the end of the level, and although he respawned at the last checkpoint, getting to that checkpoint cost him a lot of time too. Another quarter of his time losses are in level 4. He does the first firebar skip, and then after the checkpoint, he goes over the firebar (instead of going for lion jump, which is still much faster than this even if you miss the setup). Although his other levels could all be faster and he could cut down his time with some intermediate techniques like fast flag, the main thing to take away from this is that, for the average runner, cutting down on deaths and optimising your routing are by far the most effective way to improve.

I hope everyone liked this post! If there's any other cat mario stats you want to know about, let me know :)

f1 そして IcySkid これを好き
スレッド: Cat Mario
EnglandSlushPuppy4 years ago

@Sour they are literally the same thing segments of runs have been spliced together

IcySkid そして f1 これを好き
スレッド: Cat Mario
EnglandSlushPuppy4 years ago

This video is made as a demonstration of how incredibly far warpless can be pushed.

All splices happen at lives screens. All segments were taken from my own runs.

This could go faster in a lot of places, there's many slight optimisations that can be made regarding general movement throughout. However, there's two main places where time could be saved, both in level 2.2.

There is the "toko jump", where you hit the green ? circle and jump over, under, or between the circles of fire that spew out. This is mostly reliant on RNG and it is very rare that the fire will line up well enough for the jump to be possible at all, so I doubt that it will be seen in runs any time soon. There is also the "instant pipe entry glitch", as seen here: https://www.speedrun.com/cm/thread/ndekm. The problem is, doing it in one fluid motion without losing any time is very difficult compared to the amount of time that it saves, so this also might not be seen in runs for a while.

I'm not certain how much more time can be saved, but I feel like nowadays sub-3 isn't out of the question at all.

ghast4444 そして Scrimsion これを好き
スレッド: Jumphobia
EnglandSlushPuppy4 years ago

It might not be useful here, but maybe it can be used to get to a different point in the level very quickly for some levels, in a similar way to the In The Mix skip.

スレッド: Cat Mario
EnglandSlushPuppy4 years ago

Extract from Warpless No OoB Complete Guide:

The speed of walking after touching a flagpole depends on the acceleration of the cat when it touches the flagpole. As a result, we want the cat to be accelerating to the right (i.e. moving to the right while speeding up or moving to the left while slowing down) because this will make the cat walk towards the castle faster.

The easiest case for Fast Flag is in L1, where after jumping over the flagpole, you jump towards the flagpole then hold right while touching it. In L2-L5, it is done by jumping to the right into the flagpole, holding left briefly, then turning right again just before touching the flagpole. This saves 2 seconds in L1 and 0.75 seconds for each of L2-L5, meaning a total of 5 seconds can be saved with Fast Flag.

mochuan, ghast4444 そして 2 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Cat Mario
EnglandSlushPuppy4 years ago

This run https://www.speedrun.com/cm/run/y6l0x06y by fatcat006lol was accepted into Warpless No OoB when at 2:16 he goes out of bounds? If the moderators don't have time to watch through videos before verifying, I'd gladly take the position of moderator to help with this.

f1 これを好き
スレッド: Jumphobia
EnglandSlushPuppy5 years ago

I use armorgames because of death warps

EnglandSlushPuppy5 years ago

The other versions shouldn't be hard to find, because they are all in the Resources section. The reason why older versions are used for older categories is because the star placements vary between versions, as do physics and some of the important mechanics (such as level entry).

スレッド: The Site
EnglandSlushPuppy5 years ago

@Dangerless How long will it take for these changes to show up? I'm still seeing callum2001 as the sole moderator of the leaderboard.

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
EnglandSlushPuppy5 years ago

I'd like to be the moderator for https://www.speedrun.com/Redstar_Fall I submitted a run on 13th January 2019 and it still hasn't been verified. The sole moderator hasn't even been on since 12th November 2018. I've tried contacting them but they're not active on any linked social media.

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: Redstar Fall
EnglandSlushPuppy5 years ago

My run was submitted 2 weeks ago and it still hasn't been accepted, and the moderator hasn't been online for over 2 months, so I'd assume that there are no active moderators. I'd gladly fill this role to make sure that there are no huge delays before runs are accepted in the future.

スレッド: Cat Mario
EnglandSlushPuppy5 years ago

This may be a tied world record - although I hit the flagpole first, siver starts walking after hitting the flagpole first, and we both reached the level select screen at the same time. The most likely explanation is that we got the same time.

"But Slush, the cat appears on your side first, so you must have started earlier!" Keep watching the first second of gameplay and me and siver will alternate between being behind or ahead. This is due to the fact that my video was at 60fps while his is at 30fps, all on a 40fps game.

f1 そして Scrimsion これを好き
スレッド: Exit Path
EnglandSlushPuppy5 years ago

This is a flash game, played via the web, so it should be marked as a web game.

スレッド: Red Remover
EnglandSlushPuppy5 years ago

The leaderboard has a few active-ish players (more now that ryanorfeed is considering getting back into the game). So, maybe a discord server would be a good place for runners to gather and discuss the game together.

conormcmahon, sladke, そして Ryanorfeed これを好き
スレッド: Cat Mario
EnglandSlushPuppy5 years ago

I've known about variants of the instant pipe glitch before - the same thing can be done at the start of level 2 at the first sideways pipe by hitting the right side of the left hidden block, so I was messing around with that with the pipe in the video and managed to pull that off.

スレッド: Square Meal
EnglandSlushPuppy5 years ago

The modifier will add/subtract a certain amount to the result - this is to get the time as accurate as possible to the previous time.

スレッド: Square Meal
EnglandSlushPuppy5 years ago

There will be a minor change to the timing rules for this game.

Previously, runs were timed such that the timer started on the screen beginning to fade after clicking a level, and ended on the last level on the frame the victory animation begins.

However, this has many problems - it's hard to find the exact frame the timer starts to fade due to video compression, and sometimes finding the last frame can be impossible as standing next to a bomb while it explodes makes the player invisible.

As a result, the new timing method will start on the first frame the first loading screen is visible https://i.imgur.com/60Vgyia.png will end on the first frame the Game Complete or Level Complete screen is visible https://i.imgur.com/VbceHTA.png and then a modifier of -31/30 (-1.033s) will be added to the result.

What does this mean for me? Not much at all - runners will continue to time the same way as always, this new rule just affects how verifiers will retime runs.

Does this mean I don't have to start IL runs from the level select screen? Yes - runners can now start from either the previous level or from the level select screen.

How are runs retimed? Moderators are using this software https://github.com/Slush0Puppy/retime/releases to retime runs precisely.

Will this affect existing runs? Yes - all existing, non-obsolete runs have been retimed with the new method. This hasn't affected any places on the leaderboards, as any differences will be by one or two frames at most.

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