SpainShiGame4 years ago

@MangoMan MKWii Archives lol

Zanum これを好き
SpainShiGame4 years ago

Thanks for proving me right!

Zanum これを好き
SpainShiGame4 years ago

@GoldGamer32 then why didn't they ban me oof

Zanum これを好き
SpainShiGame4 years ago

Lol I definetly won this one! Look at those insults!!!! WOOOO HOOOO

SpainShiGame4 years ago

@Shadowfi the run wasn't submitted - I love how even though the src higher ups agree with me, you guys are still grasping at fake facts

Zanum これを好き
SpainShiGame4 years ago


SpainShiGame4 years ago

@Khaloody I won against gold gamer and I just won against merl - though yes, that is a very good point, and I will take it into consideration here on out.

SpainShiGame4 years ago

@Merl_ Once again, the speedrun.com higher ups said I didn't do anything wrong as the run was not submitted, so no that was not false (also the people who accused me were kai mysteryz, Shadowfi, Venom Lord, and Max Gore, none of the moderators did so).

SpainShiGame4 years ago

@Merl_ Furthermore, what people think is funny or not doesn't really matter, as this didn't break any rules, as the run was never submitted. I, as a member of a free country, have every right to post videos on a public space (youtube) that do not have much to do with this private site, as the run was never submitted. The people who got salty didn't check their facts, and furthermore, the src higher ups didn't get upset with me as I didn't do anything wrong, and I trust them more than I trust these verifiers, as none of them are even out of college.

SpainShiGame4 years ago

@Merl_ tbh the moderators didn't really care, it was just some salty people who were upset that I was getting a bunch of easy WRs as a peaceful speedrunner.

SpainShiGame4 years ago

@GoldGamer32 so now that you have been beaten in every point in the argument, you have begun to resort to insults, and that is how I know I have won. Thank you for letting me practice my debate skills on you!

SpainShiGame4 years ago

GoldGamer32 wdym you don't know ratios - that makes no sense, how does that back your claim?

SpainShiGame4 years ago

@GoldGamer32 I am above the age of 13, and also, I never cheated on any runs - once again get ur facts straight - I submitted 0 runs that were fake, and on top of that, the one run I faked, and outright said in my video title that was fake, I did not submit. So..... I know there is a strong chance you do not understand me as I am speaking with refined language skills, but I have faith that you do, as you seem quite smart (you know how to cut to the heart of the argument - though this time there was none, as I haven't cheated on a SPEEDRUN.COM run, as I never submitted it)

SpainShiGame4 years ago

Yes the other point you made - I backed that up by saying that - what is the definition of a peaceful player? If I am the definition of a peaceful player (according to many on this site), and I am part of the .37% that have respawned the dragon, then everyone else who hasn't done so, the 99.63%, are peacful, you are saying?

SpainShiGame4 years ago

@GoldGamer32 if you are referring to my obtain wood run that was faked, that was never submitted, as I am no cheater. So get your facts straight before making accusations.

SpainShiGame4 years ago

@GoldGamer32 how about this one, only 4.32% of all players have KILLED a ghast, and only 21.32% of all players have crafted full iron armor - peaceful enough for ya. Also, I've killed the ender dragon - does that make me not peaceful? Also, I'm pretty sure if you guys are calling me peaceful, yet I am a part of the .72% of the population of Minecrafters that have killed the dragon, and part of the .37% that have respawned it (on multiple occasions), then wouldn't others in that category also be considered peaceful?

SpainShiGame4 years ago

Actually I made a mistake - only 1.67% of all registered gamers TRAVEL to the end, and of those only .72% actually kill the ender dragon - this is for MCBE, not Java.

SpainShiGame4 years ago

lol just saying its stupid bc we got 16 submissions within an hour of publish. Second, when u say that some people just download the game and don't have achievements, statistically, that category will follow the same trend as the group with the achievements, and also, you could argue that given that they have not gotten xbox live accounts, they are not as serious about Minecraft, and would play just for the peaceful aspect - the aspect that is easier (I did this and know of a lot of people who do do this, mainly the younger population). Furthermore, let's say you're right - there are still only 10% of the Minecraft players, and even if that figure were higher (the 10%), and let's say of them 30% killed the dragon, even if those figures (30% and 10%) were at the highest they could reasonably be (so not like 50+% of all players have no xbox live account, or 70+% of them have killed the ender dragon), that would still only bring the overall score to around 30% have killed the dragon, which still is not the majority. The majority of Minecraft players are peaceful, and statistics back me up. You might say I am lying about how these statistics work, but ask mango man, who is (I believe) strong in the subject of mathematics (due to his verifier skills), and he will tell you close to the same of what I told you, that the majority of Minecraft players have not killed the ender dragon, nor ventured to the end.

SpainShiGame4 years ago

Just trying to maintain peace by having the speedrunners who are competitive and do fighting based speedruns have their own website (this one), while also creating a home for the players who play peacefully. These kinds of peaceful player actually make up 99.38% of all Minecrafters, as only .72% have killed the ender dragon.

SpainShiGame4 years ago

If you like peaceful speedruns, you must check out this brand new (and growing) speedrun website where you can submit peaceful runs! We have a category for individual achievement, obtaining items, and things like that. We have easy forms and verification processes, so don't stress!! WE DO NOT DO ANY FIGHTING BASED SPEEDRUNS - THAT IS FOR THIS WEBSITE NOT OURS, AND WE WANT TO MAINTAIN THE PEACE. WE HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!! Here is the link: https://sites.google.com/view/mcbespeedrun/home

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