スレッド: Clash of Clans
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le2 years ago

No,allowing Private Server Runs will encourage others to start submitting those for other Categories again wich was a major problem when we started revamping the whole Page.

I can completly understand why you want this but it will making moderating harder since you can increase the Damage Output on the Troops etc etc.

Manfredi そして Geometry_Emperor これを好き
スレッド: Clash of Clans
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le2 years ago

I believe this is a problem wich Iphone Users mostly encounter no?

Encripted そして WookiesLA420 これを好き
スレッド: Mario Kart 64
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le2 years ago

Sounds like a cool Idea would love to see it being added

kazn これを好き
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le2 years ago

Because you need to practice your movement and all the input. You dont suddenly become a Top tier Speedrunner. You need alot of constant practice..

スレッド: The Site
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

Can you pls give us a option to swap between the old and new one? I find the new one just ugly and not good to see...

Walgrey そして YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

dont feed the troll

Gaming_64 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

Well someone tried to cheat in the Clash of Clans Speedruns multiple times on multiple SR.C Accounts :D

And someone once submitted a run for Call of Duty to us,wich is kinda weird. How do you mix up Call of Duty and Clash of Clans?

YUMmy_Bacon5, Aqua_boy0 そして 3 その他 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

Hey,would it be possible if you could add the "Category Extension" from Clash of Clans to the left site where the leaderboard etc is so users can click on it :)

starsmiley これを好き
スレッド: The Site
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

But why make a new Feedback Thread when our stuff is getting ignored and they just add stuff no one asked for

スレッド: The Site
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

Just go on the Mobile Version...looks even worse

スレッド: The Site
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

I assume the new Update is a Bug right?

Vallu, 1, そして ZiRO2264 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

https://gyazo.com/34847ec17dae34dd5e25f5f8bd766cba change this back to the one we had before please....

HopeTrash, xenkaroshi, そして 2003041 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

@brandonltxxp message the Moderator about that,this is more like the place to come when the Mods have been inactive

RaggedDan これを好き
スレッド: The Site
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

Mate you rly to lazy to type a zero? XD

スレッド: The Site
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

Agree with both of them.

Thats how ppl get introduced into new Speedrunning Communitys

スレッド: The Site
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

@starsmiley msged him on SR.C and on Twitch,if he doesnt reply within 3 days i will come back to you :)

スレッド: Talk
North Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyShac0le3 years ago

I dont really have one,but i would say TheOddHeader

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